Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Year of Loving Dangerously, continued

Another page from my upcoming graphic novel, "The Year of Loving Dangerously."

1 comment:

  1. As someone who was hounded out of a lesser East Coast "university" I can relate with the douchebaggery of college administrators...all they care about is getting the Stafford Loan money and keeping up the "prestige" of the institution so that more out-of-state sheep can be milked, shorn, and later skinned so that the faculty has a buz for the annual buzkashi game with community college down the street.* In fact I think many of them rig things so enough students will drop out so there is "wiggle room" for next year's crop of freshmen/transfers/lifelong students because they do get the money at the beginning of the term. Education should not be a racket but the system of doling out loans and the idiot MBA mentality of the people that run the schools has made it that way.

    - Strelnikov


    * Yes I read "Silk Road to Ruin", but I'd heard of buzkashi long before thanks to Stallone's idiotic "Rambo III"...I'd love to see or read a descrition of your side-trip to Iran, Ted.
