Thursday, August 11, 2005

And Finally...

Just finished Googling myself to see what the right-wing warblogs are saying about my retraction. Predictable: they have headlines like "Why Do Liberals Lie So Much"? Hey, pinheads: If I wanted to lie about something, I wouldn't issue a retraction. A retraction is, by definition, an attempt to set the record straight. A lie, on the other hand, is when someone says something that turns out to be untrue, and refuses to admit it. Sound like anyone you know?

Posi writes:

i guess... the families of the dead soldiers can check to see if their child's photo is included on some memorial site, but otherwise it would be tough to know if one's dead soldier was included in the number or not. you'd know he was dead and assume he was counted, but how would you know? they'd all have to count the photos.

Well, there's also a list.

but what i really want to ask is... what's up with the latest toon with mix and match extremists? no clear message or continuity. did the 9000 toon throw you off track?

Nah, it was just a send-up of that absurd term "Islamo-fascist." I tried to go simple, but I wonder if everyone got it without an explanation.

forget it, your dong great work. there's SO much disinformation out there, how the fuck are were supposed to be able to tell between huge lies, small lies, twisted truths, and outlandish acutalities? it's too much.

Yeah, well, that's the problem. Usually I'm pretty good at sussing out the lies, but not this time. Of course, that still makes my record better than all the assholes who think Iraq had something to do with 9/11, but that's a pretty low standard.

Vicker adds:

BS or not, but your cartoon made me wonder about why all casualty figures reported by the US military in Iraq are invariably on the day of the incident. I can recall none having appeared after that date. I assume some soldiers die of their injuries, but these numbers do not
appear to be added to the daily toll killed in action directly. Perhaps your cartoon had a valid point after all, even if the exact number isn't accurate.

That may be.

Chris says:

Must say, I really dig your work, man. Always check in for your weekly columns, and get a good laugh sometimes from your cartoons, also clenched teeth in anger too, not at you though, but at Bu$Co, and how much has changed in so little time, or at least how much the right feels brash enough to say and get away with in the light of day.
Anyways, I also was taken in by the 9000+ originally. Or I felt it was plausible; I have no doubt those boys at the Pentagon would get away with it if they could. Especially with that ban they have going on photographing coffins, the Soviets did the same thing during their Afghan War, delivering the caskets at night. What I have heard about this war is that with rapid medevacs and improved technology, we've been able to save a lot more soldiers' lives than we did in past wars. Unfortunately, what with the IEDs, RPGs, and other assorted lovelies, it seems that the wounds are much more severe... the flak jackets (and they're short on those too, especially your Guardsmen, reservists, and marines... seems the marines often like to use older equipment, or they're stuck with it anyways, and rationalize it by saying it makes 'em feel more "salty"... happened in Nam a lot too) deflect the blast, which then is absorbed by heads and limbs. This has caused an increased number of amputations, and brain damage, blindness, etc. Point is, I think a lot of people see the "wounded" column and think it's like a Hollywood Hero wound; just one in the shoulder, or a little cosmetic blood by the mouth to look all studly. And our oh so extra vigilant press doesn't cover the numbers of wounded much at all... over 14,000 now, or damn close to it according to (I think that's the address). Perhaps some good will come out of this since it's encouraged more research in prosthetics, but it's small comfort for so many of these young people who will need lifelong care.
That's about it for now, I reckon, keep up the good work, Ted, you're a good man for the left, a real asset, true patriot!

I appreciate that. Still, piss fuck shit damn I hate TBRNews.

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