Friday, August 5, 2005

Will Things Change?

Jack writes:

"Why, then, don't we pull for the Iraqi insurgents?....Where the heck is our sense of empathy? Why can't we see ourselves in the faces of those kids firing RPGs at convoys of Halliburton trucks stealing Iraqi oil?"
Mr. Rall,
You apparently don't choose to see us.
True, we are not now, not yet, as numerous as those tens of thousands of us who in the Viet Nam era used to march down Fifth Avenue chanting the name of Ho Chi Minh and calling for "Victory To The Viet Cong."
That time, with the continued exposure of this government of mad dogs, is now well on the way. So is the time when the poor suckers doing military duty in Iraq will express their understanding of their position in suckerdom by turning on their own officers just as they did with the Viet Nam era fraggings.
Make no mistake, there are many of us who ardently hope for the defeat of U.S. imperialism in Iraq, which situation is likely to lead straight down the rails to Socialist revolution in the U.S. with the British working class in the lead and showing the way.

Today's military is a far cry from the draftee-heavy Vietnam-era force. These guys are volunteers, hired guns. Make no mistake about their "limited job opportunities"...the military pays less than McDonald's, and McDonald's hires even in West Virginia. These troops are there by choice.
It's hard to hear the radicals when they're not given airtime--but I don't see them hanging out in the streets, either.

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