Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Cindy Sheehan

Weinner asks:

I would like to know what your opinion is on the situation involving the protest camp set outside of the geralissimo's house. He couldn't possibly think that ignoring these people will make them go away and he looks more and more heartless by the day. Is he going to do anything about it or just do what he usually does: Nothing?
Don't hand me that guilt crap either! Everyone with an IQ over 60 knows that this man couldn't care less about the lives he's taken.
If it isn't too much trouble, could write about it in your blog?

I don't know whether Bush will meet with Ms. Sheehan or not but this is one of those rare news stories that makes me feel sympathy for Piehole. Almost.
It's hard not to enjoy seeing that shit-for-brains who plays president on TV in a tight spot. God knows he deserves it. On the other hand, this is just the sort of showboating that the GOP usually does so well. If he agrees to meet with Ms. Sheehan, soon there'll be a long line of widows, mothers and other relatives of Iraq and Afghan war dead lining up outside Crawford and, in September, the White House. At the rate he's killing our soldiers--and make no mistake, Bush is every bit as guilty of their deaths as the resistance fighters in Iraq and Afghanistan--he couldn't do anything else if he met with each one every 30 minutes. Imagine if he added the thousands of maimed soldiers too! Meeting with Sheehan would establish the sort of precedent that could rapidly spin out of control.
On the other hand, "The Big Carnival" (Billy Wilder film, and my favorite film of all time) building down the road from Bush's ersatz ranch can only get uglier and cornier from every possible perspective.
I also wish Sheehan hadn't muddied the waters by saying nice things about Piehole when she met with him as part of a group a while back. In the end, however, anyone who's pissed off at Bush, especially someone whose son he sent to a pointless death, is entitled to their rage.

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