Friday, August 19, 2005

Sacrifice for Sacrifice's Sake?

Regular Right-wing Correspondent Alan writes:

Did you get many emails from regular readers who were surprised to hear you say you weren't interested in making a sacrifice?
You're certainly not alone in that. Unquestionably, the per capita rate of U.S. citizens unwilling to make any personal sacrifice to protect this nation is growing exponentially and will eventually result in its' demise.
Our soldiers in Iraq are taking a disrespecting from the liberal pacifists now, much like the Viet Nam vets did. When the day comes that you really need someone to protect your ass you'll find that, with the help of your liberal brethren, you've convinced everyone that nothings worth risking your life for.

No, Alan. Liberals, as much or more than other Americans, are always willing to sacrifice to protect this nation. That doesn't mean, however, sacrificing every time Piehole wages another bullshit war for no reason--er, no good reason. The wars against Afghanistan and Iraq don't have anything to do with protecting America. And that is why they're not worth risking so much as a toenail for.
Oh, and please drop that "disrespected Vietnam vets" line. That's been thoroughly debunked. It didn't happen to any significant extent.

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