Thursday, August 11, 2005

More Fallout

Mark wrote this Letter to the Editor of E&P:

The "9,000 dead" US troops in Iraq was a smear from a neo-nazi publication (Barnes Review) to discredit the peace movement. Barnes Review works with KKK leader David Duke, praises Hitler and sells Holocaust Denial books. calling it "tbrnews" doesn't change the fact that this is a racist disinformation operation.
Barnes Review's sibling publication "American Free Press" pretends to be an opposition publication investigating scandals but they insert lots of fake claims to discredit real evidence. Perhaps the most notorious is their creation and promotion of fake claims of official complicity in 9/11 to discredit abundant real evidence of complicity. It is reminiscent (if not part of) the Karl Rove strategy used to discredit CBS (see BS?) last fall - the "memos" given to that network that were then used to alienate the media from investigating Bush going AWOL from the Air National Guard.

I don't know whether this is true.

Then there's this:

your views are not understood here. my family has been saved by your troops. who do you prefer Saddam the rapest and murderer. or Bush the Mad invader...I prefer Bush, he can only save my town, family, country.......I wish more in the USA could see this. your a lier!!!

I just wonder where this person lives, that he/she was "saved" by our troops. American troops haven't died defending US soil since World War II, and then just barely (Alaska and Hawaii, which weren't states then).

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