Friday, December 2, 2005

Global Warming Blog?

Steve asks a boon:

I love your blog, your comics, and your weekly columns. You do an excellent job of presenting a view on disputed topics which would otherwise be neglected. You have become quite the power-proponent of underdog views. While I know this makes you unpopular in conservative media, I have nothing but respect for you.
As such, I ask a boon.
Please consider writing a blog on global warming because the mis-information is reaching critical levels. I keep talking to people about this issue who are getting crap science from neo-con media. These clowns are convinced that global warming is either NOT real or NOT human sourced. I'm asking that you consider writing something to help attack such myths. Some good links are at

I almost feel the same way about the global warming deniers as most scientists feel about the idiotic design simpletons: to argue with them is validate their position as a serious one. It isn't. Must we give flat-earthers, supply-siders and Bush-won-in-2000ers equal time when the truth has been proven repeatedly. One of the most wearisome aspects of Internet debate is the time-wasting aspect of the willfully ignorant.

Typical Internet argument:
"So what do we do about global warming?"
"There is no global warming. If there is, prove it!"
"OK, check out and "

At best the challenger simply melts away into cyberspace, possibly convinced but unwilling to admit it in public. At worst he continues:

"Those links don't mean anything! Statistics can be twisted! Scientists are all liberal!" (OK, the last one is true. Hm. Wonder why?)

Iit's a total fucking waste of time to discuss things with the uninformed, half of whom I suspect are 12-year-old kids (and not the well-read type) anyway.

Global warming is an irrefurtable fact. As the Inuits told the New York Times a few weeks ago in their remarkable series about its effects in the Arctic (including the fact that the polar ice cap is now officially doomed), there's no debate. All you have to do is go up there and take a look.

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