Saturday, December 17, 2005

Manufactured Soldiers' Letters?

Henway wants to know:

Ted, I didn't send you a link because you'd delete it for fear of virus, but here's the story in a nutshell: A local SF Bay Area boy named Ryan was quoted in Bush's speech the other day. The Fuehrer stated the boy wrote home to his family "I've seen evidence of the cowardice and ruthlessness of the enemy," then goes on to say "the insurgents must be systematically killed or captured." Shortly after Ryan was killed in Iraq, his parents allegedly received this letter, which somehow made a bee-line to Bush's teleprompter.

Gosh, whatever happened to "Hi Mom & Pop, I am taking my vitamins,
don't forget to bathe Fluffy, how is Aunt Frieda?" I don't buy this letter for a second, and I asked the article's writer, who works for The SF Chronicle,
if he could verify it, which seems like something cut and pasted from the Lincoln Group, and of course I got no answer. Aside from the usual lying, is this not the ultimate pissing on an innocent's grave? What, besides seething, can be done about this?

Short answer: I don't know. Medium answer: Since Bush and his minions lie as the day is long, it's hardly conspiratorial to imagine that this is fakery. Longer one: There's lots of evidence that the Bush Administration has falsified correspondence from soldiers fighting at the front in Iraq. This could be another example. Or not. Still, the fact that people have to ask this question is pretty sad.

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