Thursday, December 8, 2005

President Gore

Ernie writes:

I recently read an article that you wrote. Incredibly, I discovered that you are one of those people that still believe that President Bush stole the election from Al Gore. Do you have proof? Did President Bush co-opt the Supreme Court in this crime?

Others have documented Bush's theft of the 2000 election and, by extension 2004 (because he ran as an "incumbent" when in fact, he was not). I've written numerous columns and a chapter in my book "Wake Up, You're Liberal!" describes in detail the redundant ways in which the election was stolen. Most notably, the United States Supreme Court did not have the constitutional right to hear Bush v. Gore because, as an election dispute, state supreme courts (in this case, Florida's) are the highest arbiters. Never in the history of the republic has the U.S. Supreme Court arbitrated an election dispute because, under our system, states run elections. It should be noted that, had the U.S. Supreme Court appointed Gore instead, he would have just as illegitimate as Bush is today. Their agreeing to hear the case queered the election. But there are many, many other ways in which the election was stolen--including the hiring of goons to beat up officials conducting the recount at Miami-Dade County--a county where, it ultimately turns out, the uncounted ballots would have handed Gore the state of Florida.

The majority of Americans realize that President Bush was elected and re-elected by the voters of this great country. I challenge you or anyone like you to provide proof that President Bush stole the election in 2000. If you cannot provide proof, then you should retract that statement.

It is not my obligation to reprove what has already been proven. It is American citizens' duty to remain informed and to learn how to Google.

I am confident that you will not, because it takes a real man of courage and integrity to admit his mistakes. Also, your statements will now lye in obscurity. I will send this to all of my friends. I am sure that they will also be amazed that there are still a handful of people that that insist that President Bush did not legitimately won the election.

Actually, more than half the American people tell pollsters that Bush did not win "fair and square."

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