Saturday, December 17, 2005

I'm a Gester writes:

Why is liberal America in disarray ? Nobody has to buy your silly book to answer this question, it answers itself - the American liberals are in disarray, because they are liberals. The overwhelming majority of this country, including the left - finds your cartoons despicable. You wonder why being a liberal is a bad thing nowadays - just look at your cartoons. People like yourself, are responsible for giving liberals a bad name. You, and your ilk are the reason for the failure of your delusional agenda. Nobody agrees with you and your ilk - you are totally out of touch with mainstream America, both the right and the left. Even my hardcore liberal colleagues, reject your pathetic cartoons. Youre delusional if you think the majority of the left, accepts those sketches. You are rejected, by both the left and the right. Youre a fool, akin to something like a Court Gester.

I may be a "gester"--gesticulator?--but at least I read the news. Bush's polls are in the toilet, the Senate threw out the Patriot Act, Republicans are revolting against Cheney's go-go torture policies and now they're being forced to admit that they're spying on ordinary Americans. Liberal America in disarray? Maybe. But, at this point, does it matter?

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