Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Randy writes:

First of all, I should say how much I've enjoyed, not only your articles that appear in "My Yahoo" about every week, but your book on your travail through Afghanistan. I've been wanting to write at least that much for some time.
What caused me to write this time, however, was todays piece on the NSA. Do you really think that someone was tapping your line from the box? Do you really hear those 'clicks'? I have in the past, so now I'm all spooked.
I should say that for the first time in my life I actually think of and am concerned about the state of affairs in this what USED to be called UNITED States. It actually affects my day, and I don't remember any period before (although I'm only 35) that has made me feel that 'pit'... similar to a breakup you know is coming, but you never know when.
A fellow Bush basher
PS- How much hate mail do you actually receive? Those neo-cons are angry SOBs

Wanna be really spooked? Google "Echelon" and "National Security Agency." The NSA has been intercepting every single phone call, email, wire transfer and fax transmission in most of the industrialized world for years--and that's according to a former NSA director. They absolutely are reading and listening to you. It isn't even debatable. THe question is why we put up with it. After all, we're paying for it.

The hate mail has slowed to a trickle. Seems a lot of the hardcore right-wing Bushies are hiding in their beds now that everything's falling apart for them. Some may even have changed their minds, but who cares? The bastards will be just as stupid and mean the next time one of their regimes comes into power.

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