Sunday, July 22, 2007

ITMFA - Imperial Presidency edition
posted by TheDon
We've all marvelled at the Cheney administration's dismissive attitude towards the legislative branch. Glenn Greenwald points out that this is just the tip of the unconstitutional iceberg. He has sussed out the strategery being used to run the clock out until January, 2009. It's two pronged, with the first prong being a delaying tactic - don't cooperate with investigations, stop the prosecution of your own gang members:

(the Cheney administration) has the power to block the Justice Department, and its U.S. Attorneys, from criminally prosecuting Executive Branch employees who refuse to comply with Congressional subpoenas, notwithstanding a statute enacted by the American people through their Congress requiring such prosecution where Congress issues a contempt citation.

The second part hasn't gotten any real attention, even among the people most alarmed by the Unitary Executive Theory. They don't think they are subject to the rulings of the Judicial branch either:

The great unanswered question of the Bush administration has been, and continues to be, whether, upon losing a judicial battle, they would explicitly claim the right to defy the judicial order on the ground that the order exceeds proper judicial authority.


Always lurking at the core of these radical assertions of executive power is the belief that they can defy court orders due to the claimed "constitutional limitations on the judicial power."

We have known for a long time that this administration would stonewall Congress and lie to it, so it was no surprise when they showed a strong commitment to that philosophy. We now know that even after years-long court battles end with rulings against them, they will not be bound by our court system. The only way to remove this cancer is (all together now)

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