Thursday, July 19, 2007

ITMFA - Stop the War edition
posted by TheDon
I've been working late nights finishing my pirated Harry Potter book completing some research for work, so it was nice to have the company when the lesser known Harry pulled an all-nighter. The Democrats want to illustrate the fact that Republicans won't let any real bills come to the Senate floor, and the media generally won't call the Republicans on it. The Democrats have a point, of course, but only to a point.
Republicans can keep you from voting for a good bill, but they can't make you vote for a bad bill. Any money you spend on this war is YOUR fault. You won't be able to pass a bill stopping the war explicitly, but you don't have to send The Decider any more money, either.
This, of course, won't stop the war. A couple of signing statements here, some money shuffling there, and this administration will "decide" to keep fighting. They'll shut down some children's insurance programs, some medical benefits, whatever, but they will keep fighting.
Then you will have the rock-solid impeachment case you seem to be looking for. If you won't impeach him for any of the hundred reasons you already have, you would have to impeach him for spending money on an unfunded and deeply unpopular war. You'll be praised in history books for all time for stopping this blood-thirsty, power hungry gang of criminals.
Or you could keep playing co-consipirator. ITMFA.


  1. Impeachment is not going to happen. All the supposed leaders are busy trying to get themselves elected in 08. They don't have time to spend on frat boy, and his gang of criminals. I only wish Bush still had sex. Then there would be a chance.

  2. Dear TheDon,

    Can you lay off the acronyms?

    I don't understand 1/2 of them...


  3. ITMFA is probably the only one you need.

