Thursday, July 26, 2007

Lying AGAG Thrown under the Bus!
posted by TheDon
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales (AGAG) has just been tossed under the bus. According to the AP:

The weekly said that the committee found that on at least two occasions, astronauts were allowed to fly after flight surgeons and other astronauts warned they were so intoxicated that they posed a flight-safety risk.

Wait. What? I meant this story:
FBI Director Robert S. Mueller said Thursday the government's terrorist surveillance program was the topic of a 2004 hospital room dispute between top Bush administration officials, contradicting Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' sworn Senate testimony.
To me, the most surprising aspect of the AGAG saga, with politicizing the DOJ, using USAs for political persecutions, authorizing torture and wiretapping, is the appearance of people with integrity. There was, it seems, a fairly large group of honorable men, serving their country, and they seemed to be associated with John Ashcroft. I assure you that I would have bet against that before this came out. Most of those honorable men have been run out of the administration, so I don't know if Mueller is one of them.

This might have been him acting with integrity, or it might be Bush using his FBI Director to throw Gonzo under the bus. Either step was way overdue, and accomplishes the same goal. Going, going, Gonzo!

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