Thursday, July 19, 2007

Why I Don't Care

Saturday's cartoon "Profile of a Suicide Bomber" prompted pro-genocide, fascist racist blogger Michelle Malkin to launch into one of her whiny pro-censorship tirades. It's a fairly straightforward cartoon; I was reading a list of character traits ascribed to Muslim suicide bombers and was taken by the obvious similarities to traits required to serving in the military: blind obedience to authority, religiosity, etc. Both the suicide bombers and the soldiers are victims of a vicious con: die for someone else's benefit, without questioning whether the sacrifice is worth it (which, in the case of the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, it isn't). Here's what Malkin had to say:

Rall is beyond contempt. He has accused our troops of being murderers for Halliburton*, mocked soldiers as sexual deviants**, and derided the late Pat Tillman as an “idiot” and “sap”***. Now, all in one cartoon, he shows his naked contempt for the very traits of the American soldier that helped give birth to this country and secured it for 231 years: willingness to sacrifice, faith, courage, respect for the commander-in-chief****, and determination to complete their mission.

*Her point is…?
**Only the soldiers who shove flashlights up Muslim asses in de Sade-ian dungeons at Abu Ghraib and Bagram and Gitmo and and pee on them and rape them.
***It's since become evident that Tillman was no idiot. Sap, however, applies to anyone who jointed the armed forces after 9/11, when Bush made clear that he had no intention of defending the U.S. or going after the murderers of 9/11.
****Why on earth would anyone respect Bush? His own father doesn't. But anyway…

Nothing unusual there. Her fawning fanboy blogger allies, apparently under the delusion that they have a shot at scoring with this "hottie" (ewwww!) if they parrot her every outburst, formed a glorious online pile-on. Again, nothing new.

What caught my eye during the past few days, mixed into the usual urine stream of inarticulate outrage at anyone who questions the fucked-up racket of jingoism and militarism, threats of violence and death against yours truly (aren't these the same folks who criticized Muslims for their violent reactions to the Danish Mohammed cartoons?), was the wonderment at the fact that I don't seem to be bothered by their anger at me. Why doesn't Rall care?

A few choice samples of comments from a typical Republican blog. I'm only including a few because there isn't enough room on my server to handle it all:

Anyone who whips his ass will be a hero. I’d be glad to post the video
I'm thinking Ted Rall is a jihadi delight! One of the 72 smooth virgins.
60 years ago Ted Rall would be charged with treason and be sitting in a tent in the 120 degree heat of Arizona right now. One more reason they were the "Greatest Generation". Our generation is weak and we deserve what we are getting.
You mean to tell me this bitch has been drawing since he was 17, and he still sucks that badly? Wow
Remember the guy from Seattle who crapped on the American flag? Maybe someday I can do that on Ted Rall's grave.
I'm not defending Ted Rall by any stretch of the imagination, but something has gone very wrong with this guy's head. I would like to ask him that question as I'm kicking his ass.

Actually, I'm relieved that these uneducated morons hate me. Who'd want these violent closeted homosexual lunatics to like them? I'd have to double security at my book signings.


  1. Hey!!!

    Glad you back on the 'blog. How goes the 'stans?

  2. Thanks, it's good to be back. I'm back from the Stans and cranking out some essays and other good stuff.

  3. The way Malkin trumpeted free speech and the right to offend during the Mohammad cartoons, you would have thought there would be a "Buy Rall" button on her website and a campaign to get papers to print the comic.

    Like most people though, it's only free speech for those you agreee with.

  4. No doubt, Matt. (Note to Rallbloggers: Matt is a brilliant editorial cartoonist whose work you should read. Google him.)

    I just thought of another reason I don't give a shit what those toads think of me:

    I only hear from the fuckers when I say something they disagree with. When I take on something dear to liberals--say, Hillary Clinton, or the NAACP's absurd PC N-word burial, or standing up for Imus or Ann Coulter--they never mention a word.

    I'm an equal opportunity offender, but they cherry-pick their reactons.

  5. "Ted Rall would be ... sitting in a tent in the 120 degree heat of Arizona right now."

    Oh no! Not the tent! God, spare him!

  6. As long as I'm spared the comfy chair!

    Oh, and it's hotter than 120 in Pakistan and India, where I travel for fun.

  7. Good to see you're back, and I'm looking forward to meeting you at the Comic Con (don't worry, I won't bite).

  8. Ted,

    Glad you made it back safe from Central Asia. I know you don't care what someone like Malkin thinks of you, but I'd wear it as a badge of honor if I knew I pissed her off.

    Bill in Dallas

  9. Malkin is a deluded worthless racist hypocrite.

  10. I know I am really showing off my inner-nerd here, but one of the many, many fundamental truths of good government in Frank Herbert's 'Dune' books is how important it is for government to be honest with itself, and how it is a stupid society that hides its faults from itself. If today's United States was a cancer victim, its doctors would be telling it that everything was fine and those lumps are supposed to be there.

    This is one of the fundamental differences between someone like Ted Rall and Michelle Malkin: Ted does not sugar-coat what needs to be said while Malkin and her ilk treat such honesty as heresy (appropriate since they seem to be doing their damnedest to turn the United States into a theocracy).

    Evil Kumquat

  11. "Who'd want these violent closeted homosexual lunatics to like them?"

    Sir, I object to your pejorative use of the term "closeted homosexual."
