Thursday, July 26, 2007

ITMFA - Lying Attorney General edition
posted by TheDon
Despite herculean efforts to keep Congress from being able to document the crimes and lies of the Cheney administration, a smoking gun has been found. The Associated Press has documents proving that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales (AGAG) lied to Congress repeatedly about the criminal hospital visit to John Ashcroft. There is no doubt that the Attorney General of the United States commited perjury, and must be fired and put on trial.

Cheney and Bush will, of course, refuse to act on this. In fact, I can imagine Bush pardoning AGAG and keeping him in his job. They must then be impeached and convicted for that and about 50 other "high crimes and misdemeanors". There are few honest Constitutional scholars who think impeachment is not mandatory for this gang of criminals. Our Constitution is under attack, and they won't stop the assault until they are marched out of the White House under guard. ITMF(s)A.

I know, I know... but they finally jailed Al Capone on tax charges. I don't really care which charge sticks, these anti-American thugs must go.

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