Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Thank you Steve Jobs
posted by TheDon
Radio in Atlanta is almost unlistenable. You might find a station playing music you like, but you'd better be able to stomach a lot of commercials. Talk radio is all right-wing, including most of the sports talk. Air Atlanta was bought by a local businessman who cancelled everything from Air America except the Al Franken Show, which no longer exists. Dan Patrick had an hour every day with Keith Olbermann, but now Patrick has left ESPN radio. It's BAD.

We do have a small amount of consumer advocacy radio, financial help, gardening and such, but nothing suitable for a news junkie, except for the occasional amusing toe-dips into the right-wing cesspool. But at least we had NPR. Good old, reliable, mainstream NPR, now taken over by the political hacks of the Cheney administration. I've been tolerating stupid shit here and there for a while, but this morning pushed me over the edge.

Steve Inskeep was interviewing correspondent Tom Bowman about the Joint Chiefs nomination for Mullen. Mullen has not embraced the "surge", and Bowman came out with this gem, "Mullen is not calling for a precipitous withdrawal from Iraq, like the Democrats are." Straight from the White House talking points. In the morning I update my podcasts, and listen to Rachel Maddow on the way to work. I am running out of news sources, but half a day late is better than dead wrong.

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