Sunday, July 22, 2007

Sunday Funnies
posted by TheDon

Meat The Press

The NIE on the terrorist threat to the “homeland”. Director of National Intelligence Admiral Mike McConnell.

Admiral Mike says the most serious threat facing our country is that plotters who are being observed will be successful penetrating our defenses and completing an attack. Either chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear. WOW! That really narrows it down. Thanks Mike! We don’t face suiciders here because we have erected barriers. Or our erections have barriers. Or something. He seems quitely proud.

Daaaaaamn! He just mentioned Al-Qaeda plotting against us “in their safe haven in Pakistan”. Was he supposed to say that? The “Bush Doctrine” says we have to attack Pakistan now, doesn’t it? He also understands the difference between strategic warnings and tactical warnings. How the HELL did this guy get into this administration? He worried that there are “sleeper cells” in the US but doesn’t know.

Timmeh asks why, one year after an NIE said AQ was ineffective and scattered, a new NIE says they are a grave threat to our country. Doesn’t mention that we have killed 29/30s of AQ leadership, according to John Stewart. Admiral Mike mentions the safe haven in Pakistan again. Ok, I get it. He says that Pakistan reached a political agreement with AQ leaders instead of “pushing them out”. This is the new talking point that you have to kill, kill, kill, bomb, bomb, bomb everyone. It’s a new scapegoating technique. He leaves out the part where Pakistan tried “pushing them out” and failed miserably, then decided to deal with them politically to save the government which controls the nukes. I know… details…

Timmeh asks why we haven’t captured OBL. Admiral Mike goes with “it’s hard to capture an individual”. Leaves out “we weren’t really trying.” Timmeh asks if capturing OBL is worth the probable loss of the Musharref government. Admiral Mike doesn’t buy the scenario. Praises our “strong ally, valuable ally” Pervey.

Timmeh asks about the new, improved torture memo. Admiral Mike demurs, says the US doesn’t engage in torture. Same lie, different day. Says he was horrified by Abu Garhib, but must not be bothered by waterboarding. Won’t address a direct question on waterboarding. Mentions doctors being involved in decisions, and supervising, says we don’t “torture”. Interestingly claims people don’t face heat and cold. That sounds like a lie. It still comes down to the definition, doesn’t it. Bastards. Says they “cause uncertainty”, forcing someone to talk to them. Yeah, they are uncertain if they are about to die. By definition, that’s torture.

Timmeh brings up the NIE assessment that the Iraq war is a great recruitment tool for AQ. Admiral Mike doesn’t disagree, but tries to muddy the waters. Brings up Anbar, as always. This really plays into the “we’re fighting AQ” argument. Timmeh asks about that, and Admiral Mike almost tells the truth. Almost. Timmeh keeps pressing on the deceptive claims that we are mostly fighting AQ over there. Admiral Mike almost agrees, but still pushes AQ as an instigator.

Timmeh brings up an interview where Admiral Mike called the Cheney administaion a bunch of political hacks who cooked the intelligence and ended up with a disaster. I’m not making that up. Admiral Mike acknowledges it, then goes after the Cheney/Feith connection. Daaaaaaaaamn. They let this guy on the teevee? And by “they” I mean the administration and the network. This is surprising. He stops short of saying that the intelligence was hyped, but just barely.

Good stuff.

And now my choice for President, Senator Russ Feingold. In. My. Dreams.

Feingold thinks congress will stop the war. From his lips… He’s encouraged by recent activities. Little Russ asks Senator Russ if he’s afraid that withdrawal will lead to cataclysmic violence and genocide. Senator points out the current situation, which includes cataclysmic violence and genocide. Goes with “we leave, the other players will get involved out of self-interest, and help stabilize when the occupation is over.”

Feingold is going to do something serious - push a censure resolution. Sigh. How about something VERY serious? ITMFA! Timmeh points out that the last censure resolution died with only 4 aye votes. Senator Russ says that one stopped the illegal wiretapping program. Feingold isn’t ready to tie up the Senate with impeachment. It can’t be any more of a waste than the current state of affairs.

Round table. Jeebuz. A couple of idiots (Bob Woodward, David Brooks) and Stephen Hayes. This could be a fast-forward-fest. I’ll skip the Republican talking points when possible.

Money quote from BoBo, speaking of Bush,”You might think that’s strong leadership, you might think that’s deranged.” I’m pretty sure it’s not “strong leadership” when you haven’t seen 30% support in HOW LONG?, and your party got spanked in the last election. So BoBo actually got one right!

Blah-blah-blah about Cheney and about how this administration views the Iraq war. Nothing new here, except Cheney has figured out that the insurgency wasn’t in its last throes.

Fawkes News

Fran Townsend (Bush’s Homeland Security Advisor). I’m going to skip right over this lying shill.I watched her lie all week, don’t need any more.

“Democrats see political advantage in the Threat Assessment.” Guess that’s the fair and balanced view. If you’re a partisan hack. Evan Bayh and Kit Bond to debate whether Iraq is part of the War on Terra. That’ll save some viewing time as well.

Panel Time!

Cat fight between Elizabeth Edwards and Senator Clinton – I’ll pass.

The Pentagon attacks Senator Clinton in a disgusting, dishonest, partisan way. Smug Kristol smirks his way through a “serious proposal to have a debate between the spouses”. Juan scores a three-pointer immediately with “you have to include Jerri Thompson, the trophy wife.” He’s normally heroic on Sunday, and this one doesn’t look like it will disappoint. He then defends the Senate’s right to oversight. Sadly, this isn’t done nearly often enough.

Turning to Republicans, when will Fred declare? It makes Brit smile, but I’ve read good reasons that he is legally required to start reporting donations. Brit jumps to “pro-choice Fred’s” defense. Whores are allowed to sell it to anyone with money. Mara thinks it’s no big deal, I think she’s wrong. This will be pushed by the “true conservative” crowd. Juan points out that “none of the above” is winning in R polls.

The fillibuster by the Republicans – theater or principled stand? Brit seems thoughtful, almost admiring. Odd. Chris Wallace seems puzzled that Harry Reid was unwilling to give political cover to Republicans and Bush. Mara seems to share his puzzlement. Kristol is idiotic as always. Actually says that in one FU, when the war has turned around, Democrats will be crucified for voting against the war just as it was starting the turnaround. It’s sweet how much he cares about the Democratic presidential candidates. Then takes time to go after YearlyKos. Juan points out that what Kristol calls “left” is the center. Nice. Kristol comes out for staying in Iraq 4evah. Again. Juan comes out for actually going after AQ and (a little strangely) the Taliban.

Brit thinks that there will be notable military progress to report in September. Says we’re winning. Juan points out that Hume has been saying the same thing for years. Brit claims that this time it’s really, really, really true. Just like every other time he’s claimed that he’s one shovelful from the pony.

Power Player: Richard Branson.

This Weak

Not on this week because of the British Open. So if you really want some elitism with a pinch of racism you won’t entirely miss out.

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