Thursday, September 27, 2007

Cartoon for September 27

Thousands of people marched through Jena, Louisiana to protest the prosecution of six black high school students--jocks, members of the football team--who repeatedly kicked the head of a white student after one of them had already knocked him unconscious.

We've come a long way from Rosa Parks.

Click on the cartoon to see it larger.


  1. as always, you've made the accurate comment on this multilayered blowup.

    Isn't it some common psychological state of those who've been abused? when not helped out or treated, those who have been abused by their parents, often grow up and abuse their kids. personally, I think this could apply to larger groups of traditionally downtrodden people:
    Black folks in this country have historically been downtrodden, so when they get the advantage for a minute, they act the way they've seen white people treat them: they're abusive in return.

    good ol' "eye for an eye". it's worked SO well for Israelites so far! it should work for everyone!.......ohhhhhh, yeah, right.

  2. Fry the Jena 6!

  3. Ted's right on! These unruly blacks need to get their heads right!

    Well done Ted! You have your priorities straight!

  4. It is the American dream of the oppressed to become the oppressors. This is why so many of the melanin-enhanced are actively hostile not only to homosexuals but the idea that homosexuals would equate their struggle for equality with that of the Civil Rights Movement.

  5. THANK YOU for finally expressing the correct POV on this. "Free the Jena 6" is the worst cause i've ever heard of. I don't know if they should be charged with Attempted Muder-2nd, but "free" them? No way - they beat a kid unconcious, closed an eye (which means he took several blows AFTER getting the initial blow to the back of the head).....

    They're guilty of *something*, even if he is/was a jerk/smartmouth.

  6. Ted, why do you hate Freedom?

    Ted, why do you hate blacks?

    Ted, why do you hate Jesus?

    Ted, why do you hate rainbows?
    There, no need for anyone else to ask the same questions in this thread, now.

  7. "Free the Jena 6" rang in my ears about the same as "Free Mumia" does.

    It's a rallying cry-by-proxy. These kids beat someone up, but it was a reaction to rampant racism. Were they wrong? Yes. Was there something horrific brewing in Jena long before? Yes. Did their case bring it to light? Well, kind of.

    Did Mumia shoot Daniel Faulkner? Probably. Was his trial frought with irregularities? Yep. Does he belong to be sprung from prison?

    Well, I'd say he deserves another trial. Just because the system railroaded you doesn't mean you're not guilty.


  8. Hey, Ted. I posted a response to this cartoon on my blog. (Well, I didn't really respond. But I quoted other people's stuff that I thought was relevant.)
