Saturday, September 8, 2007

Cartoon for September 8

Click on the cartoon to see it larger.


  1. LOL! Are cynical comments on the behavior of leaders and celebrities really uniquely American? I thought we were the naive ones!

  2. The Second and Third Panel are soo true.


  3. A great American tradition, making the threshold for sympathy exceedingly high thereby ensuring that the subject can never really make the cut. I'm not talking about the second to last frame but the last one. It's like when Republicans talk about poor people. There are no poor or working people who need assistance, either in the form of direct assistance or in the form of Unions, because theoretically every single person can lift themselves up by their bootstraps if they try hard enough.

  4. I have to google him to find out who Owen Wilsn is.
    oh, that guy.
    Remind me again why this is in the "public interest" the media hide behind whenever they spread a person's personal life over the front page?

  5. "I thought we were the naive ones!"

    yes. and the ones who are not that naive are "coldblooded".

  6. Panel 3 is my fav.
    The only fact that should be repeated as often as civilian death toll is who pays for it.
