Friday, September 14, 2007

Downloadable Video Interview

There's a video interview of me done at the recent San Diego Comicon.


  1. Good interview, but not so good camera technique/positioning.
    Of course, he could've asked some pointed questions and made it a better interview.

  2. Makes me miss the radio show.

    Ted sort of has this rep for being a prick, but I remember he was the most polite guy on the radio. Never attacked people personally. Even the most belligerent callers were respected.
    Now Air America has hired Mr. K, from KABC. He is your exact opposite. Nothing to say, and rude to callers. What a waste. They need you over there, Ted. And, yes, I do write them about it from time to time.

  3. I was going to say, as for my rep, some folks conflate honesty and prickosity.

  4. Thanks, Angelo. Who knows, writing to KFI might help.

    I always figure, people yell to obscure their own lack of arguments. If you have a good counter to what someone else is saying, there's no reason to shout them down. And if you don't, well, you ought to change your mind.

    I miss radio. It's the only thing I'm naturally good at.

    As for my rep

  5. some folks conflate honesty and prickosity.

    and a struck dog yelps. Painful truth is often... well... painful. It's way easier to call you a prick than to admit the truth of what you say.

    It makes me cringe when you (correctly) point out what a wimp I am for taking off my shoes at the airport, but I can only wish you were wrong.

    As my grandfather used to say, "Telling people Dallas won a football game doesn't make you a Cowboys fan. It just means you can read the scoreboard."
