Saturday, September 8, 2007

My Tinfoil Hat
posted by Susan Stark

Ladies and Gentlemen, it's that time again.

It's now time for another episode of (drum roll) . . . The Osama Show!!

Yes, Osama has taken time off from dragging his kidney dialysis machine from cave to cave to grace us with his presence again.

All of that dragging is making him a little worse for wear, because he has far more wrinkled skin under that false beard he's wearing just for this occasion.

I must admit, though, he packed more of a punch in his 2004 "October Surprise" episode, repeating without a hitch, all of the concerns of leftists in this country: the stolen presidential election, occupation of Iraq and Palestine, the grotesque power of Halliburton and other corporate gangs. Thus, securing the election for George Bush.

Oh, boy.

Ms. Stark is a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy nutbag, to think that Osama would give an election to George. Well, there are plenty of tinfoil hat wearers, including Craig Unger, who wrote House of Bush, House of Saud, which details the relationship between the Bush family and Saudi Arabia, with a special emphasis on the warm relationship with the Bin Laden family. Both Craig Unger and Michael Moore in Fahrenheit 9/11 detail how members of the Bin Laden family were hurried out of the country after September Eleventh, when no one else was allowed to fly. Under normal, rational circumstances, this family would've be held for questioning. What other conclusion can you come up with except that the Bushes and Bin Ladens are in cahoots with each other, if the Bin Ladens are allowed a free pass outta Dodge?

Ah, but, Osama is the black sheep of the family. The rest of the Bin Ladens are good little pro-Westerners and capitalists. Not according to BBC reporter Greg Palast in this article here and here. And to think they were let go when we had them cornered.

As for Osama being a leftist? a socialist? Back in 1996, Osama stated quite clearly what his goals are, and they are far from anything that I or any other leftist cares about.

The conclusion? For those of you familiar with the book 1984, Osama is playing Emmanuel Goldstein to George's Big Brother. For those of you who haven't read that book, he is playing "bad cop" to Bush's "good cop", reinforcing Bush by pretending to espouse liberal and leftist ideals, thus making it appear that leftists are on "Osama's side". True liberals and leftists (and their concerns) are effectively marginalized.

Those who believe that 9/11 was perpetrated by the Bush Regime are probably the true tinfoil hat-wearers, but their arguments are becoming more and more palatable to me each and every time we are subjected to one more of these lame-ass Two Minutes Hate videos from Osama, which strangely enough only seem to help his supposed enemy, George Bush.

I'll gladly wear my tinfoil hat, if only out of spite.


  1. It's difficult not to notice the difference between the rescue efforts for six miners who are potentially buried alive right now and the incredible search for Steve Fossett, which resembles the search for JFK Jr.'s plane and body. Fossett and JFK Jr. are/were wealthy white men. If you're a little claustrophobic, as I am, you will occasionally find yourself sweating and screaming inside at the inability to move your arms and legs, covered by tons of earth, while rich pricks above ground are sparing no effort (and taxpayer money) to locate the body of christ and his fucking airplane!

  2. One more thing: Bet that the Bush administration has known the location and movements of Osama bin laden all along. They're waiting for the right political moment to 'capture' Osama, which will guarantee George W. 'Mass Murderer'Bush's 'legacy.' And you know the real sick part of this? More than half of America, plus the entire Democratic contingent of Congress, will swallow it, hook, line and sinker. Meanwhile, seriously disabled Veterans of OIF and OEF, not to mention Vietnam, Korean and WWII Veterans who have foregone services and compensation from the Department of Veterans Affairs over decades of neglect and abuse, continue to be treated like welfare cheats and guinea pigs for medical school students who need their tickets punched to meet internship requirements. While George W. Bush and Laura Bush get instant, comprehensive medical treatment, Veterans have learned to tolerate chronic symptoms which began as acute symptoms, but became chronic because VA medical personnel are encouraged to talk Veterans out of pressing for treatments they know would improve their quality of life. Walter Reed Hospital was only the tip of the iceberg that's been around since the inception of the DVA. The motto, "To care for the Veteran and...." of the VA is, in reality, "DIE, DIE, DIE!"

  3. "Those who believe that 9/11 was perpetrated by the Bush Regime are probably the true tinfoil hat-wearers..."

    Please explain the demolition squibs that are clearly visible going off in all video footage of the towers' collapse. And also the clean angled cuts on the support beams, clearly shown in photos and video. Also the molten steel, clearly seen dripping in several pieces of video footage. Also the huge explosions in the basements and ground floor lobbies, damage from which is clearly shown in footage shot minutes before the collapses. Please explain the collapse of Building 7, which had received zero structural damage. Please explain how all three buildings collapsed into their own footprints, which is something that doesn't happen on its own (that's the reason demolition companies are paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to MAKE it happen). Also, please explain why the three buildings collapsed at all, when no steel frame building in history has ever collapsed from fire, before or since.

    It seems only fair to me that if you're going to label a large (larger than you may realize) group of people "tin foil hat-wearers" (nice originality there, by the way) for believing something, then you should at least be able to explain exactly why that belief is irrational. All the things I asked you to explain really did happen-- there is video and photographic evidence and witness testimony to prove all of it. So I guess what I would like to know is, what's YOUR explanation for all that evidence of a controlled demolition? I would sincerely love to hear it.

    But remember, besides explaining what appears to have been a controlled demolition of the three WTC buildings, your explanation will also have to account for other oddities, like NORAD standing down, the tiny little hole in the Pentagon with no airplane wreckage visible in any of the photos, the wreckage of flight 93 being spread out over miles with no large pieces and no impact site, the fact that all the WTC steel was quickly loaded up on ships and sent away to China, with no forensic analysis allowed, etc etc etc.

    It's difficult for me to understand how a guy in a cave could have orchestrated all that. To me, and to millions of other Americans, Bush Administration involvement is the only thing that really makes sense. It's a horrible thing to consider, admittedly, and I for one would love to hear YOUR explanation so that I no longer have to believe that my government is evil. So please, by all means, hurry and tell me what really happened-- I'm looking forward to finally learning the truth! Believe it or not, that's all most of us have ever wanted from the beginning.

  4. James, I remember being totally convinced that Osama was going to be trotted out in late October 2004. Either they never really had him, or they were so sure they would win that they decided to leave Osama in the Bank. I am still astonished that we even believe he had anything to do with 9-11 after he admitted being surprised the buildings collapsed "all the way". What a fool.

    Susan, if you are not wearing a tinfoil hat, you should be. Anyone who is not wearing a tinfoil hat at this point has not been paying attention. It is sad that the only person in the media playing the role of captain obvious is osama. Also, who do you suppose cleansed the net of the actual video?

  5. Osama isn't in a cave. He's either dead or sequestered on one of his family's estates in Saudi Arabia. Or he's in Pakistan, like Ted says.

    As a guest blogger, I don't want to engage in 9/11 theory, but for those who are interested in a Leftist take on the whole thing, they can go to

  6. It appears some of this blog post should be set in italics because it is quoting another article. I'm having trouble making sense of it.

  7. I never believed any of the 911 conspiracy theories until two days ago. Go to YouTube and type in Bin Laden-Saddam connection and you will see an ABCNEWS report from 1999 with the exact same propaganda Bush regurgitated in 2003! It shows we were subjected to a disinformation campaign only one year before Bush, 2 before 911 and 4 for Iraq!Scary! Also, check out the BBC documentary Power of Nightmares!

  8. Like the "no-moon-landing" crowd, the people who push 9-11 theories completely miss the point.

    The real conspiracy was that we actually did waste all of that money going to the moon!

    If it was all about showing up the Russians, then we should have just faked it! Of course, the media might have called them on it back then.
