Friday, September 14, 2007

TGIF! Back from vacation edition.
Posted by The Don

You’re right, it has been a long time since I posted. Since you last heard from me, my part-time job expanded to become (temporarily) larger than my full-time job, a new version of NetNazi at work kept me from all the good internet sites, including this one, I lost my DSL and wireless modems at the same time (you say lightning, I say NSA), causing long delays in restoring service, and much confusion in Bangalore, and then I took a long, much needed (if not particularly well deserved) vacation on the beaches of L.A. For the non-locals, that’s Lower Alabama.

So very many things happened, especially while I was in LA, with no internet, and no TV except the what-you-get-with-bunny-ears broadcast variety. I didn’t know immediately if Larry Craig was a hypocrite, or just someone with a secret. (I’m gonna go with BIG hypocrite.) It was also hard to tell his party affiliation, since the only time the word Republican came up on local right-wing news was in the context of “Republican leaders are demanding that Senator Craig resign.” No responsibility, just the moral high ground.

Gonzo finally turned in his resignation, but definitely not because those mean old Democrats wanted it. He wanted to resign. Really! Buncha damn middle-schoolers. The locals spent more time on the upcoming deer season than on the resignation-under-fire of the corrupt US Attorney General. A lot more time.

Tony Snow is finally leaving, after a stint as liar-in-chief perfectly framed by racism (or at least racial tone-deafness). He started out with “tar babies”, and went out with a snark to a female African-American reporter about white guys looking the same to her. Buh-bye!

David Petraeus turned out to be a complete tool tool of the Bush administration. Raise your hand if you didn’t see that one coming. I know! Let’s put the guy who botched the training of the Iraqis in charge of the occupation! Brilliant!

Coming back after lacking access to real information was overwhelming and intimidating. I have a better understanding of how easy to not follow the news if you don’t want to. Getting back up to speed took a little while, but I think I can post intelligently again. Insert your snarky comment here:_________________.

After all that, I need a drink! Here’s one I call “Stranger in a Bathroom”. It’s one I normally enjoy when I’m travelling and feeling lonely. I like to hold a Stranger in a Bathroom in my hand and slowly suck on it. If one doesn’t do the trick, I pick up another.

On a side note, I only give this recipe for straight people. While I’m OK with gay people drinking, I’m not there yet, and I don’t think the country is ready, for gay people to drink an alcohol as macho as tequila. I’m not uncomfortable drinking with gay people, but I am uncomfortable if they order tequila. I have an uneasy feeling that it threatens my drinking.

So if you’re not gay, and never have been, bottoms up! This recipe is so simple, anyone can make a Stranger in a Bathroom.

Stranger in a Bathroom
Mix equal amounts of Tequila and Sabra (or other chocolate liquer) over ice. Enjoy!


  1. I missed the recipes. Good to have you back.

    that was not a swipe at your bloging.

  2. So blacks get to be called "African-American" even though most have never been there, but "white guys" are simply "white guys". I find it sad that political correctness has all but erased the cultural backgrounds of Americans of European descent.

  3. "...insert snarky comment here:...."

    it's spelled "liquor"...snark snark snark.

  4. I actually meant to spell it "liqueur"...

    "I find it sad that political correctness has all but erased the cultural backgrounds of Americans of European descent."

    I'm just guessing here, but I think it has to do with the fact that white people who are 2nd generation and up in this country almost never face discrimination based on their ancestors' nationality. This has not always been the case, and first generation Europeans (or other white people with accents) often face discrimination. It is, however, still the case that 20th generation decendants of Africans face discrimination on a regular basis. Even from the White House Press Secretary.
