Friday, June 27, 2008

Cartoon for June 28

Barack Obama has exactly as much respect for privacy rights as George W. Bush. But it's different--because he's smart and attractive.


  1. A few days ago Keith Olbermann, who's unfortunately about the most liberal talk show host out there, was praising Obama over his support of wiretapping, saying that Obama wasn't "cowering to the Left." Finally, a politician who's not afraid to stand up to the Left! Olbermann also seemed to think Obama has a secret plan to limit or eliminate wiretapping after he's elected, even though he must pretend to support it now so he doesn't look soft on terror. But don't people tend to dislike it when politicians say one thing before an election and then do the opposite after being elected?

    One good thing that's come of this is that some people finally seem to have realized that Obama is not the messiah. I'm sure we all agree he's better than McCain, but it's dangerous to think he's perfect and to try to rationalize everything he does. If only something had happened in the past eight years to show people they shouldn't trust politicians....

  2. Damn. It's depressing.

  3. When did Olbermann say what you quoted? I watch his show regularly and I don't recall that statement. Mind you, reading a transcript betrays the sarcasm within. And he's pretty sarcastic.

  4. When did Olbermann say what you quoted?

    I think the bit about cowering to the left was on the June 25 episode of Countdown. Here's a video:

    The bit about Obama not wanting to appear soft on terror and having a plan to overturn wiretapping as president came from a Daily Kos post:

    "Voting Aye [on wiretapping] enhances his chances of getting himself his own Attorney General to prosecute FISA."

  5. it's true. KO has flipped on this issue worse then Obama. Glenn Greenwald breaks it down--and provides the quote--here:

  6. And don't forget Barack Hussien Obama is an "articulate black". You know, the kind of black white liberals can vote for and feel good that they are not racist. Clarence Thomas is not the right kind of black for white liberals; he won't stay on the liberal plantation like LBJ wanted.

  7. Old Italian Political Saying: The conductor changes, the music remains the same.

    Jana C.H.

  8. To set the record straight, at no point during the broadcast did he praise Obama for his support of wiretapping. But he certainly didn't criticize him either.

  9. Huckabee!Huckabee!Huckabee!!! Am still voting republican for president. Congress will go to the dems. Am not about to let the dems clean up this national dung heap. Michigans Govenor has been cleaning up after the last repuke pile was left here. It's been a running battle with the opposite party to get my state moving. In the meanwhile she takes the heat. And the poor get poorer.

  10. he won't stay on the liberal plantation like LBJ wanted.

    Do you say this 'cause he passed the CRA? I wouldn't put it past you.

    and "white liberals", why do you even talk about liberals. They are totally irrelevant.
    I challenge you to find even one besides Kucinich. (hint, Obama isn't one.)

    Don't worry, I know better than to expect an answer.

  11. Beyond doubt, it's nice to have Clarence "shuts his mouth and votes with Scalia" Thomas be the representative for all cons like the above, and in particular of the craven and incompetent segment that IS the Black GOP.

    LBJ actually knew there would be far more racist assclowns like "edward" than grateful black voters. That's why when he made sure they could actually vote, he said the South would swing Republican for a generation, to punish the Democratic Party. Some plantation!

    So bonus points for confusing a net vote loser with an evil Democrat plan to use the Negro to get votes the way the Republican did in Reconstruction after the War of Northern Aggression. And bonus points for pretending that Clarence Thomas is their friend, instead of a vetted, subservient token.

  12. In hindsight, LBJ was correct. The south did swing Republican for a generation. But what it also did is swing the Republican Party into an outrageous and untenable ideological position that has irrevocably damaged this country.

    The south is such a pain in the ass, their firing on Fort Sumter should go down in history as one of the biggest tragedies in modern history. It gave Lincoln his legal excuse to repatriate the new nation and now has us stuck with a Prussian style of representation that skews everything toward the right.

  13. Excellent! Needs more of that sinister Hello Kitty emblem you've evolved for him though...

  14. Angelo,

    This is the third time I've posted this quote here. Try to pay attention.
    Here is your answer:

    I'll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years." -Lyndon Johnson

  15. Libs and Marxist,
    Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to educate you about civil rights and Democrats. the Civil Rights Act of 1957 was prossed by Republican Eisenhower and dismantled by the Democrat congress, led by then Senator LBJ.

    "Johnson sent the bill to the judiciary committee led by Senator James Eastland, an anti-civil rights senator from Mississippi. Eastland changed and altered the bill almost beyond recognition after the very public outburst by Senator Richard Russell from Georgia who claimed that it was an example of the Federal government wanting to impose its laws on states. Johnson sought recognition from the civil rights advocates for passing the bill while also receiving recognition from the mostly southern anti-civil rights Democrats for "killing the bill."

    Again, you are welcome.

  16. If they listen, maybe they will realize that we really, really, really want our ponies.

    Part of the absurdity here is that the MSM describes this as a move to the "center." Oh. I forgot. The compass points have changed in our post-911 world and are referenced with respect to fascism.

    I feel so much better now that Obama has demonstrated that he is not about to be influenced by his supporters and nickle and dime contributors. We need a man of principals in the WH who is not afraid to spend his political capital, as Cheney likes to call it. The naive think it has something to do with trust. It does, if you consider the definition of betrayal.

    You have to admire at how hard our politicians have to work to come up with a narrative lame enough for their audience. As long as we do not organize and act, everything will be ok. They haven't sent the army out to shoot anyone for a long time. They took a page from Kant, say what ever you want but when authority commands, obey.

  17. marion, edward may be a rhetorical wuss, but he is not a "racist ass clown". He actually thinks that the South magically turned Republican in the late 60s because they suddenly became intelligent.

    It is also likely that edward, like a lot of conservatives, is just playing for his team, regardless of what he knows to be correct. This is mostly because he can't stand liberals.

  18. I beg to differ...he has big goofy ears, weird purple lips and can barely string together a complete sentence without a teleprompter. Privacy rights or no privacy rights, I'm still voting for him, though.

  19. Angelo,
    You did not refute any facts I posted. Care to try?

  20. BTW Olbermann redeemed himself.

  21. I'm waiting for the Generalissimo El Busho Version 2.0, release name McCain, cartoon that calls out the improved features, e.g., "war hero" vs "AWOL" and more English-like responses vs whatever it was, etc but with the same fact-free, tax free, screw the rule of law taste we've all grown to like.

  22. "And don't forget Barack Hussien Obama is an "articulate black". You know, the kind of black white liberals can vote for and feel good that they are not racist. Clarence Thomas is not the right kind of black for white liberals; he won't stay on the liberal plantation like LBJ wanted."
    - edward

    Eddie you forget that Thomas is a non-entity who never did anything spectacular before Bush the Elder gave him his dream job and has consistently been a warm body in the Supreme Court since. Going after Obama does not suddenly make the living-dead McCain any more appealing (though I would vote for a zombie Leon Trotsky instead of either of the two pipsqueak candidates if the choice were there.) I understand that the world has been confusing for you since 1945 (when your hero blew his head off) but you're not convincing anybody. Go back to Freeperland, and may Allah the Compassionate and Merciful protect you in 2009.

    - Strelnikov

  23. Bonus points for "'Monitoring'?! That's the prob-"

    Remember, all of the major candidates publicly rejected the idea of their reducing the newly expanded powers of the executive. The Democrats were practically biting at the bit. Biting? That's the problem. OH SHI-

  24. Edward
    Reality 101
    Prof. Angelo
    -----------Pop Quiz------------
    Who said:
    1) "I'll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years"
    b)King Crimson
    c)Hyper-Conservative author, Ronald Kessler

    2) Ronald Kessler should be regarded as a________.
    a) good source
    b) a bad source
    c) none of the above

    3) If you cite Ronald Kessler, you probably _______.
    a)are lazy
    b)don't even know you are citing him cause you just cut-n-paste shit from the internet.
    c)are dumb
    d)are edward
    e)are all of the above

    4) "Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again.... There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things. Among them are H.L. Hunt...a few other Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or businessman from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid."
    a) Richard Nixon
    b) JFK
    c) Dwight D. Eisenhower
    d) all of the above

    5)"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist."
    a) A flaming liberal
    b) Ronald Reagan
    c) Dwight D. Eisenhower
    d) all of the above

    6)"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms in not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense."
    a) Ronald Reagan
    b) some conservative
    c) Dwight D. Eisenhower
    d) all of the above

    7)"We cannot afford to reduce taxes, reduce income,until we have in sight a program of expenditure that shows that the factors of income and outgo will be balanced."
    a) A flaming liberal
    b) Bill Clinton
    c) Dwight D. Eisenhower
    d) all of the above

    8) Dwight D. Eisenhower was a:
    a) Republican in name only
    b) Communist
    c) liberal
    d) Progressive

    9)Eight Southern Democrats voted 'yea' on the Civil Rights Act of 1964. How many Southern Republicans voted 'yea'

    10) Democrats lose the South because:
    a) of magic
    b) "The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are."
    c) LBJ was a Democrat, and he did not veto the CRA.
    d) the racists panderers were purged from democratic party.

    11) Bush won the Southern primaries in 2000 because:
    a) Southern Republicans thought McCain fathered a black child.
    b) Southern Republicans are racist
    c) both a and b
    d) He spoke at BJU

  25. Angelo,
    Thanks for the diversion. However you still have not refuted my posting. You can post 100 more questions if you like. Or you can refute this posting:

    Libs and Marxist,
    Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to educate you about civil rights and Democrats. the Civil Rights Act of 1957 was prossed by Republican Eisenhower and dismantled by the Democrat congress, led by then Senator LBJ.

    "Johnson sent the bill to the judiciary committee led by Senator James Eastland, an anti-civil rights senator from Mississippi. Eastland changed and altered the bill almost beyond recognition after the very public outburst by Senator Richard Russell from Georgia who claimed that it was an example of the Federal government wanting to impose its laws on states. Johnson sought recognition from the civil rights advocates for passing the bill while also receiving recognition from the mostly southern anti-civil rights Democrats for "killing the bill."

    Again, you are welcome.

  26. Wow what a shock, a lib (Strelnikov) trying to win an argument by calling a conservative a Nazi.

    PS: I'll point out again that the KKK came out of the militant wing of the DEMOCRATIC party.

  27. Edward has received an F.

    Cut-n-pasting from a debunked wikipedia page will not earn any thanks from me.

    Don't you ever wonder how much of your world view is based upon bullshit, edward?

  28. I can't believe nobody's commented on the biggest piece of bullshit in this topic:

    Did Rall actually just draw a cartoon with "Actual Quote!" in the same panel he BRACKETED OUT the actual quote with? What the fuck?!

  29. It is an actual quote. Bracketing done to fit long-winded phrase into short, pithy cartoon panel.
