Sunday, June 29, 2008

Cartoon for June 30

I hope Obama wins. It's more fun to criticize a Democrat for his hypocrisy and worthlessness than a Republican for being true to his well-heeled donors.


  1. Maybe he'll pick Edwards as VP. Then maybe some wacky right-wing appalachian nutcase will... well can't allude to that. Might end up in GuanObamato Bay...

  2. Like Clinton, anything good he does will be erased by the next guy. Ditto for the purple congress.

    Mao once said the East is Red. I say, the West is Purple.

  3. I think that's over the top and very short sighted, actually. I think there are monumental differences.....Neither candidate, nor any leader we put up there, will be able to extract the US presence from Iraq any better than any other one.

    We do, however, need someone who want start any new wars...and the Bush Administration is gearing up for an attack on Iran. Some speculate if Obama wins they will launch a war in the fall.

    On domestic issues and on overall world view and temperament, Obama is substantially different from Bush and McCain.

    You know what, Ted? They both breathe oxygen....does that make them "the same"?

    I hope you recognize a more significant value in Obama winning than just fodder for political sniping.

  4. I hope Obama wins.

    Ted, I understand you are speaking as a cartoonist and columnist, but the general masses are just beginning to associate republicans with ruin. It is sad that we are going to break that nascent association again.

  5. "Neither candidate, nor any leader we put up there, will be able to extract the US presence from Iraq any better than any other one."

    If I were president, I would follow the Matt Bors prescription for withdrawal: Our troops would go to the airport. They would board planes. They would fly away.

    Mission accomplished.

    Would chaos break out in Iraq (i.e., worse than now)? Maybe. But that wouldn't change my decision. Immediate withdrawal is the only correct solution because (a) we're going to do it eventually and (b) we'd might as well get the coming civil war out of the way sooner rather than later.

    The idea of sticking around to stabilize Iraq first is a fiction.

  6. Ted,

    I firmly believe that if you were President, you would have entire organizations with their own interests breathing down your neck and you simply would not be able to achieve what you want.

    The military would not allow you to engage in such a hasty retreat, because they would view it as too big an endangerment of our military on the ground. Nor would they allow you to abandon the heavy equipment that will take weeks to move.

    Also, some of the military "bases" the US has constructed are enormous cities behind walls, with their own airstrips.

    I know what you would LIKE to do, and what you would LIKE to see happen. Logistically speaking, what you propose isn't actually feasible, to say nothing about the institutional resistance to it from the CIA and Pentagon. It's not going to happen, and we both know it, so holding Obama to a such a standard is counterproductive.

    Why not expend your energy demanding that the current people in office withdraw troops forthwith? We both know they won't because it's not in their interest to. That's why your cartoons are focusing on Obama. So rather than get someone new in there and TRY to pressure them into doing something, what's the alternative?

    Hammering Obama til he loses the election....

    McCain is less likely than Obama to withdraw troops, and far more likely to start more wars; a far FAR worse proposition than whether or not we hastily exhume ourselves from Iraq.

    The problem I have with this hounding of Obama is that it leaves me feeling that we can't take the first step in the right direction because it's not a definitive and conclusive leap. So we don't take the first step.

  7. Ted,

    Say what you will about Obama (and sure, he's a hypocrite and probably won't do much to get us out of Iraq or advance a truly progressive agenda). BUT I remember eight years ago when everyone on the left was saying "Bush, Gore - same thing." If elected, Obama will probably disappoint a lot of people. But just as a Gore presidency probably would probably not have invaded Iraq, if the difference between Obama and McCain/Bush is the difference between war with Iran and mere idiotic saber-rattling with Iran, then well... that's still a pretty big difference, as we've learned these passt 7 1/2 years.

  8. You "hope he wins", yet you can't even wait that long to do everything you can to dump on him every chance you get. Usually when you don't even have a joke to make. It's weird and pathological-looking.

    I can hardly hear whatever point you're trying to make over the sound of the bitter.

    Have you ever thought about starting your own country, Perfectland? Where every politician is beyond reproach, just like you...?

  9. I agree that there is something a bit off the mark with respect to the cartoons involving Obama but I think that it's up to Ted to figure it out now that he has feedback.

    When it comes to withdrawing from Iraq, it is technically not as difficult as one might think although a good deal of planning and logistics is involved but it is minor compared to the invasion and ongoing support. The equipment and bases is not an argument. There is a lot of equipment they would never want to bring back and they have always left it in the past. They can't fix the stuff they have fast enough now and it is never made to last that long. The stuff that flies can be flown out. Anything else, including the bases, they can blow up or otherwise render useless if they are concerned about leaving it intact. The real concern is getting killed during the exit. Can't fault them for that. The pressure to prevent withdrawal comes from many sources and not any particular institution. Say what you want about the US military but if they could get in a hurry, they can get out in a hurry even if it meant bombing the bejeezus out of any Iraqi who stuck their head up, which they do right now.

    It's a big chunk of the public that doesn't want them to leave all that much. That's what is really depressing. It doesn't matter whether you think they are easily fooled or just as hypocritical and calculating as the politicians they elect. It sucks either way and it never works out well for the majority.

  10. Ted, you silly guy... didn't you realize you're not allowed to have an opinion that "sg" doesn't like??? who do you think you are, some kind of political commentator or something??

    and didn't you know that this is actually aggie dork's blog, not yours? what are you doing posting on here?

  11. SG: "Have you ever thought about starting your own country, Perfectland? Where every politician is beyond reproach, just like you...?"

    At the AAEC Convention in San Antonio, hard-hitting conservative cartoonist Mike Lester was asked why he doesn't do any nice cartoons.

    Answer: "those are called greeting cards."

  12. If I were president, I would follow the Matt Bors prescription for withdrawal: Our troops would go to the airport. They would board planes. They would fly away.

    Should have voted for Biden:

    “Anderson, you’ve been there. You know we can’t just pull out now. Let’s get something straight. It’s time to start to tell the truth. The truth of the matter is: If we started today, it would take one year, one year to get 160,000 troops physically out of Iraq, logistically. That’s number one.

    Number two, you cannot pull out of Iraq without the follow-on that’s been projected here, unless you have a political solution. I’m the only one that’s offered a political solution.

    And it literally means separate the parties; give them jurisdiction in their own areas; have a decentralized government, a federal system. No central government will work.

    And, thirdly, the fact of the matter is, the very thing everybody’s quoting is the very legislation I wrote in January. It said: Begin to draw down combat troops now; get the majority of the combat troops out by March of ‘08.

    There’s not one person in here that can say we’re going to eliminate all troops…unless you’re going to eliminate every physical person who’s an American in Iraq.

    Tell the truth for a change.”

  13. Quoth Ted:

    If I were president, I would follow the Matt Bors prescription for withdrawal: Our troops would go to the airport. They would board planes. They would fly away.

    Funy, I remember that was also the prescription of the unmentionable Ron Paul. Oops, sorry, pardon my manners.
    Let's go back to the dichotomy we all love and trust.

  14. And now Obama has announced he will not only continue but expand Bush's Faith Based Initiative. Bye bye separation of church and state.

    Ted you are going to have so much material if Obama wins that your only problem will be winnowing it down to only three cartoons a week.

  15. aggie sez:
    "The problem I have with this hounding of Obama is that it leaves me feeling that we can't take the first step in the right direction because it's not a definitive and conclusive leap. So we don't take the first step."

    I promise that the first time I hear Obama get blamed for the results of Milton Friedman economics, I am going to hang myself from a Lexus billboard.

  16. If he wins that'll come about around January 27, 2009, so get your rope ready. Maybe one in a nice Burrrrrberry pattern?

  17. What is wrong with pandering to poor idiots, so that you can save them from themselves?

    I really don't know.
    All I ask is that once in, he and congress make it illegal for the media to give false impressions, and that they institute a grading system for factuality. of any source, kinda like LA health department's letter grade!
