Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Ted Rall at MoCCA Sunday

I'll be signing books at the MoCCA Arts Fest in New York City this coming Sunday, from 12 noon to 2 pm at the NBM table. This will likely be my last appearance at MoCCA, which I helped found.


  1. Have to ask - why will this likely be your last appearance?

  2. I was a founding trustee of MoCCA, and a big fan of the Arts Fest when it began. The first Arts Fest was a huge success, fulfilling the pent-up demand of cartoonists and their fans for an alt cartooning confab in NYC, which had never had one.

    But it has since become little more than a place to sell T-shirts to hipsters. Comics take a back seat to the merchandise, and political comics sit in the very last row of the bus. Arts Fest has gone from being my best show to my worst show of the year. Honestly, it's not even worth the subway fare anymore.

    More than that, I'm annoyed at the new gang that runs things. Their choice of speakers and panelists is predictable and of little interest, a reflection of the outsized influence of Art Spiegelman (who demanded, by the way, that I be ejected from the board before he would lend His Presence to the procedings).

    In short, I can think of better ways to spend a weekend day in June then sitting at a table selling no books.

    Aren't you glad you asked?

  3. Spiegelman sounds like a prick.

  4. Ted,
    I was confused about Ted's attacks on this Spiegleman character for years. I thought "why is Ted attacking this poor schmuck". I think I heard in the interview that you were hired to write about him. You found out he sucked, and you reported on it. Did he start shit at that point[?].

    Also, was MoCCA Arts Fest the "Mother of All Meaningless Events" from one of last years comics? (still want a "sans serif" t-shirt)
