Friday, June 8, 2007

The Beach Gestapo
posted by Susan Stark

I love the beach. I love the water. I love the sound of the waves and the wind caressing me.

I've loved this ever since I was a little girl in Michigan, swimming in the great, fresh-water lakes that surround the state. And it's the same here in New York, the same beautiful sand, water, waves, and wind. As an adult I swim in the salt-water of the Atlantic.

But one thing I and other New Yorkers could do without are the obsessive and harassing park personnel and policies, otherwise known as the Beach Gestapo.

Once, on Staten Island, I walked from the train to the beach, got in the water, and was promptly told by a passing personnel that I must, MUST be in a designated swimming area with lifeguards. I had to walk a half a mile north to this area, only to see that the area was only several yards long, and was crammed with noisy people and their kids. I like my beach experience quiet, so I walked as far away from the crowd as possible, while still in range of the lifeguards. I should not have had to do all of that, because a simple sign saying "NO LIFEGUARD ON DUTY, SWIM AT YOUR OWN RISK" would have sufficed in most places. Not here, apparently.

The Beach Gestapo also goes around at 6pm sharp to tell everyone to get out of the water because the beach is closing. Shocking. I never heard of that practice until I moved here.

There are very few personnel at Coney Island Beach in Brooklyn telling folks to leave the water "immediately, or else", but the last time I was there, there were signs on the bathroom doors telling people that they cannot use the bathroom to change clothes. This would've made sense if the city provided a place to change clothes, but there wasn't a building in sight where you could do that. I changed clothes in the bathroom anyway, and so did everyone else. A nice bit of psychological warfare, if you ask me.

And finally, there are those who have been ticketed for leaving their stuff on the beach while they go into the water. Doing something like that is completely normal to the rest of us, but apparently not to the city. (Gee, too bad they didn't have a maid to watch it for them, right Bloomberg?)

I have a word for the Beach Gestapo and everyone else reading this. The wealthy go to Fire Island and the Hamptons to swim. They do not swim in the city. I am a resident of New York City, and my hard-earned tax dollars pay for these beaches, and I will use them to my heart's content. And so will every other New York City resident. You are not going to force us out with your personnel and your mind-games. We are not going to back down. Give it up.


  1. The beaches in the Northeast suck, partly due to those beach gestapos you mentioned.

    There are other problems, too, such as the early closing hours and the many "town" beaches where only residents can swim.

    That is in violation of rules set forth by various agencies, particularly the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers which requires that all navigable waterways be accessible to all.

    The hassles you're going through make me glad I live in Florida.

  2. Truly annoying.
    its probably part of some larger scheme to discourage people from going altogether. Then they can establish that the beach can be considered for sale to a private party. Bloomberg is gonna be out of office some day. Look around town for other weird things like this. His mayoral aspirations were always suspect to me. Plus, he is republican and thus deep down he despises all things public.

  3. Re: Beach Gestapo
    I grew up in Rockaway and pretty much lived on the beach in the summer. The local gestapo in those days was relegated to stopping bar fights for the most part. A NYPD assignment to Rockaway was akin to early retirement. Not anymore. NOw they have a "beach patrol" which is a official harrassment unit put in place to stop the time-honored practice of having a beer on the beach. In one infamous incident, they arrested local off-duty NYFD and PD members during a commemorative gathering for lost 9/11 victims. Take a walk on the beach after 6?? Forget it.
    What serious crimes have been prevented by this unnecessary and totally anti-citizen action??
    This must be stopped by mass civil disobedience. Storm the beaches!!

  4. it is probably a scheme to reduce usership. Then, they will have a public hearing, and with the low amount of people visiting(because it sucks to visit) they will have an easier time re-zoning the prime costal land for private use.

  5. Hi, there. Thank you for your responses. Yes, the beach harassment here in New York is most likely a privatization scheme. The best thing that we can do is to simply keep using the beaches the same as we always do.

    I for one will be hitting the beach this weekend if weather permits, and when it gets into July and August, I'll be going at night as well.

    You can write me at if you want to discuss beach harassment further.

  6. I just know you are a hottie, and, you need to come back to Michigan,right away. Here we take our beaches seriuosly. Interferance from Gestapo, is met with a quick ok. And then completely ignored. More beer please!
