Tuesday, June 19, 2007

More Dawgs!
posted by TheDon
Over the last two weeks, my rescue group has placed 15 more dogs in their forever homes, and had a tent at a local festival to raise awareness. This is Nellie, who was hit by a car and badly injured. Her two pups were delivered by C-Section and we have been giving her the medical care she needs. So far it's approaching $2000, but we are doing very well raising money for her. She is a very, very sweet girl, and almost fully recovered.


  1. Look, I like animals as much as the next guy, but a C-section? For a dog? Jesus Christ.

  2. Yeah, I agree. While it's nice to rescue cute animals, wouldn't people's time be better spent doing things like, I don't know, ensuring that people have enough to eat, have housing, have basically the minimum necessary to live?

    I'd rather save humans than save cute animals.

  3. It's not as expensive as a human c-section. For about $600 we saved all three dogs. I'm ok with that.
