Sunday, June 10, 2007

I think Tucker just called Republicans stupid
posted by TheDon
On Tucker Weekend (I know, but NOTHING else is on...), the discussion is the Immigration Bill, and McCain's position on it. After falsely claiming that that was the one topic during the wankathondebate where McCain stood alone (torture being the more important one), they mentioned that McCain calls the status quo "silent amnesty". It was called "an excellent phrase" that could neutralize the issue for him. It is, of course, a stupid phrase, and presents a false choice (just like Turdblossom's boy does) between their way and chaos. If you think the current undocumented workers have some kind of amnesty going, I have a few neighborhoods I'd like to show you, and a few articles I'd like you to read.
In response, the incredibly deep thinker, Tucker Carlson, said, "That's, I think you make, I think that you make a good point, I mean that is an interesting argument, the silent ma.. amnesty argument. Don't you think it might be a little too sophisticated for a presidential campaign?"
He might have a point, but they don't usually call their base stupid to their faces. And dear lord! This is considered a sophisticated argument, never mind too sophisticated? They really do count on winning by soundbites.

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