Monday, June 11, 2007

Central Asia Update

Assuming the power doesn't go down again, this comes to you from Khorog, capital of the Gordo-Badakshan Autonomous Oblast in eastern Tajikistan. My thanks to the guest bloggers who have been and are keeping this blog a living, breathing entity during my time of hunger and sunburn (oh, yeah, and wheezing at high altitudes).

I'm up here on one Very Big Assignment that I can't post about it, as well as three smaller ones that are nevertheless very significant. One is a feature story about Central Asia's "Sword of Damocles," Lake Sarez. Read more about it in "Silk Road to Ruin," but now that I've been there I'm even more passionate about the need for the West to pull together the $2 billion that can save 5 million people from a horrible death.

I'll also be checking in on the current status of the Uyghur insurgency against the Chinese government, as well as popping into Islamabad as General Pervez Musharraf's military government teeters on the brink of oblivion. Oh, and anything else that I find that's worth writing about as well.

Funny, when you leave the US you feel like you're missing out all sorts of interesting news. Then you check the news online and find that, as usual, the Demcrats are pussying out. The Gonzales no-confidence vote was a lame idea, and one that became evem worse after they failed to pull it off. For God's sake, impeach the torturing motherfucker already.

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