Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The bomb that dare not speak its name
posted by TheDon
The internets are abuzz with the Pentagon's attempt in 1994 to get $7.5million to develop a "gay bomb". The bomb would turn enemy soldiers gay, and they would be so attracted to each other that they would stop fighting and start, well, you know...

I'm not saying that this is not an amusingly stupid idea, and it is based on several faulty assumptions (that you can catch "the gay", that gays won't fight, that you could contain the effects of the bomb, etc), but lets just ponder that a while.

Stupid ideas based on faulty assumptions. It doesn't even sound remotely new or newsworthy.

Shock and Awe.
Star Wars.
Missle Shields.
When they stand up, we'll stand down.
Slam dunk.
Don't ask, don't tell.
If we leave early they will follow us home.
They hate us for our liberties (so let's give up our liberties!).
Data mining.
Total Information Awareness.
Rumsfeld. (ok, that was gratuitous)

Face it - Gay Bomb Technology may be the smartest thing these guys have tried in a while, and one of the safest. And imagine the testing. "Am I starting to look cute to you? A little? You want this, don't you? Don't you?"


  1. A multinational corporation with perfume interests is probably the force behind all of this(immature snicker). Basically, you offload your R&D to the US government's war machine, then you reap the benefits.

    it has also been called the love bomb. Its gonna be so funny when we long for the days of being blown to bits.

    Seriously though, at best this is just another waste of money.

  2. What a waste of time and money, they should have focused on the crucial sharks with lasers program.
