Friday, June 29, 2007

TGIF! Drinks are on me!
posted by TheDon
It's been that kind of a week. The internets truck at work had a flat tire, and my sinful, sinful home electronics were stricken by lightning. I seem to have missed a lot of news. Did you know that Dick Cheney is evil and powerful? Me either! And guess how long it will take Georgia to resegregate schools. Go on, guess. You're waaaaaay too optimistic. Robert Gates is concerned that scores of our soldiers will die every month that... wait for it... (it's not what you would hope for)... we have to wait for more heavily armored Humvees. The patriots in Iraq are making more deadly bombs than our current vehicles can handle, so let's armour up! They'll NEVER figure out how to kill our soldiers in the new vehicles! Really! I guess bringing them home isn't a possibility.

So let's have a frosty one. You know that feeling you get after the party when you look around and think, "What the hell am I going to do with all this Corona?"? I have a solution, and as you probably suspect, it involves adding liquor to it. I'm like a chocoholic, only with alcohol.

All of these drinks involve pouring a shot of something into a beer. Experiment all you want - it's educational and fun! A beer with a shot of whiskey in it is called a boilermaker, and has long been the defining characteristic of hard-core sorrow and pain. I'll see your boilermaker and raise you.

Troublemaker - make that a shot of tequila
Beerbon - use bourbon - a southern classic
Twizzler - just add sambuca
Nutcracker - frangelico
Beerberry - chambord
Pirate's Gold - rum
Big Red - Cinnamon schnapps

the only limit is the size of your liquor cabinet. Go nuts!

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