Thursday, August 30, 2007

Cartoon for August 30

Alberto Gonzales, mastermind of legalized torture, spying on Americans and the elimination of habeas corpus, resigns--joining fellow retired criminals Donald Rumsfeld and Karl Rove.

Click on the cartoon to see it larger.


  1. If only the Bay of Pigs had been successful, that would be a sunny Havana beach in the cartoon. Someday . . .

  2. The "Fall on a Rubber Sword for Caesar Bush" technique used by this administration. Whenever things start getting too hot for Dubya, one of his lackeys takes the blame and retires very comfortably. If we can get to a point where they face real consequences, such as being fired at an old age with no pension, no non-McJob company willing to touch them and prison time, they'll squeal like the pigs they are. It almost happened over the Plame issue, but Bush gave an unpopular pardon at the end of it.

    One thing I'd suggest (?perhaps you could cartoon it?) is for people to write polite, concise letters to the FTC complaining about higher prices at the grocery store and the seeming "Non-Competition" of the other major chains versus Wal-Mart? IMHO, there's some kind of "Golden Parachute" at the CEO level to install failure. That would explain why they do things like make you sign up for some 'card' to 'save' at 10% more expensive than Wal-Mart and a lot of other items are literally double.

    A mountain of letters of complaint wouldn't do much, for now. But, later they'd hurt them a lot. Imagine a purge after this administration or a vicious power struggle should he bomb Iran to stay in power.

  3. Boycot Wal-Mart and all stores like them. Go to your local store even if it's a little more expensive. The only one getting rich at wal-Mart are the people on top. Could the Gonzales resignation be an attempt to corner the Latin vote in a "feel sorry" vote for the Republicants?
