Monday, August 6, 2007

Cartoon for August 6, 2007

Here's today's cartoon, which is about a topic cartoonist Mikhaela Reid lampoons very, very well. And a bonus midtown Manhattan weather report: Pack an umbrella if you haven't left home yet.


  1. If it wasn't so funny it'd be sad.....If it weren't so sad it'd be funny! A message married people around the world can relate to.

  2. OMG ! The Anti-Sex League Sash !!!! That hit me straight in the eye.
    Goddamit Rall, you freaking hit the nail on the head...

  3. I've been using the Republican method to keep having sex. The multiple-marriage part, not the hookers. Ok, some hookers, but mostly the multiple marriages.

  4. LOL - reminds me of this thread from an "exclusive" Georgetown WASP blog:

    RE: optimal number for a woman
    Posted By: Guy on 10-23-2006 1:35 pm
    I could put up with 12. Anything more than that without a good explanation, and the girl is incapable of being in a serious relationship.

    RE: optimal number for a woman
    Posted By: higher the better on 10-23-2006 1:39 pm
    I prefer high #’s. It usually means they really like to have sex, and that they are very good at it. And the idea that you might be exposing yourself to a serious disease is thrilling and really gets my blood flowing.

    RE: optimal number for a woman
    Posted By: SF on 10-23-2006 1:58 pm
    I think one sexual partner for every 2-3 years is acceptable for a girl from a good family. Sex just isn’t something girls should be doing if they are interested in marrying me

    (pardon me, skin's crawling - gotta go)

  5. Abstinence programs: the best way to ensure that when the kids finally end up having sex, they won't be using protection. And abortion is outlawed.
