Monday, August 6, 2007

Cartoon for August 4, 2007

Sorry for the delay; I had tech issues.

Feel free to comment here!


  1. Yes,yes, and more signs of victory in Frat Boys policies. The dollar hit a 15 year low agianst all other currencies! V.I.C.T.O.R.Y.

  2. OK, I still don't get it. Why is Pakistan and Musharraf considered a "real" enemy in the War on Terror. I can understand Saudi Arabia, because of all the weapons and money crossing from it to Iraq. But why Pakistan?

  3. You have your scorecard, they have theirs.

    Secure oil fields? check
    Enrich buddies in defense industry? check
    Kill former ally? check
    Mount former ally's guns in office? check
    Push through tax cuts for rich buddies? check
    Unchecked power? check
    After you leave office? checks, checks and more checks

    By their standards, they are doing quite well.

  4. I love the phrase "Crazy rich white chicks are on the run!" Awesome.

  5. yousuf; Pajkistan is where Rall said, in a column some time ago now, that Bin Laden was most likely to be hiding. And Pakistan's ISI has been backing the Taliban in Afghanistan, and importing Jihadists into Kashmir to wage a proxy war against India. All during Musharaff's "presidency".
    (Could one say tha tMusharaff is more legitimate than Bush? He did after all get into office by his own merit, and not really by cheating...)

  6. @ anders

    Yeah Musharraf actually has more "legitimacy" than Bush. An average person cannot become Chief of Army Staff in Pakistan. Kinda like a hick can't survive or make it to the top of Wall Street in the US, in Pakistan, a village idiot (aka Bush, cause there's a village in Texas missing an idiot) CANNOT make it to the highest rank in the Pakistan Army. That shogunate is currently occupied by a tactical veteran of two wars he actually fought in during the 60's and 70's. That gave him SOME legitimacy when he sent our men into battle in 1999. Unlike his ally Bush, Musharraf knows first hand what a war involves.
