Sunday, August 5, 2007

posted by TheDon
Saturday, I was on the way back from Isle of Palms, SC, having spent a day at the beach with Mrs. TheDon and Mom and Dad TheDon, and having taken them to the Noisy Oyster for dinner. We were made to detour off of Hwy 176, and went way out of our way to get back to Holly Hill. (This is all true. No, really!) Curious about why the road was shut down, we were unable to find a reason. We finally saw on the late local news that a car was stopped with 2 "middle eastern men" with "explosive materials" in their trunk. One tiny little story popped up on AP, and pretty much NOTHING ELSE. Goose Creek is home to a Naval Weapons Station, and a brig where Jose Padilla was illegally detained and tortured (most likely).

The FBI says they will not release any more information until Monday. This story has all the elements necessary for a media orgy of fear and racism, so why the hell, outside of the wingnuts and warbloggers, is it such a small, quiet story? Before you comment that it might be because there's nothing to the story, I'll give you two words: Terror Cheese. So why? (or... why not?)

The flying monkeys were out in full force today, pumping the "successes" in Iraq. Condi was "ONLY ON FOX NEWS!", although I then saw her on Face the Nation, and Robert Gates was on a couple of shows. My guess is that they didn't want to lose the message that the "surge" is "working", so they've put a lid on it. Am I too paranoid? Not paranoid enough? Just right but they are really after me? I just don't trust this administration.

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