Sunday, August 12, 2007

Cartoon for Week of August 11

Here is this week's cartoon, available for your comments. To see it bigger, please click the cartoon.


  1. I still have my noose ready for the day the day when a democratic president apologizes for some problem he inherited from Bush. (The noose is for myself).

  2. Last year, a lot of liberals got really excited about the Democrats' victory in Congress, and though I guess that was overall a good thing, I remember being wary. Everyone else seemed to forget that this was the same group of people who'd been caving in to the Bush Administration for years. Sure enough, they kept caving. Even newly elected Democrats are acting like the others: Remember Jim Webb, the brave veteran who defeated the villainous George "Macaca" Allen? Well, he voted for "modernizing" FISA.

    The thing is, I remember when liberals rejected the party system in general. But now that Bush is President, it seems like those same people are saying they're proud to be Democrats. (Similarly, it seems like people who used to say religion has no place in politics are now calling for Democrats to "reclaim" religion.) It'd be more truthful for them to say they only support the Democrats because they want to oppose Bush, but of course that hasn't worked out very well.

    When Republicans controlled Congress, they acted as if they were underdogs fighting nebulous liberal powers that were somehow in control. But now that Democrats are in charge, they're still acting the way they did when the really were underdogs, going along with conservatives as if their jobs depended on it, even though they were put in power by voters who didn't like the way conservatives were running things.

    Democrats are still terrified of being called soft on terror or being accused of not supporting the troops. I think a Democrat will probably win the Presidential election next year, but I'm afraid that person will continue caving in to conservative demands. As a result, the people who expected that person to accomplish something will turn against them, while conservatives and the mainstream media will do their best to destroy them, meaning we might end up with a Republican victory in 2012, and everyone will forget what they should have learned over the past few years. But I hope that's just a worst case scenario.

  3. If this country had ever learned anything, no Republican would have EVER been elected to the Presidency after Nixon.

    Or did Ford's pardon fix that, too?

    Evil Kumquat

  4. Why did you have to put it like that kumkuat. I am trying to find reasons not to kill myself.
    You are absolutely right though.
    [grabs rope]
    All I have been able to do is blame it on education. More specifically, emphasis on critical thinking.
    [ties noose]
    But see, I am an educator. The last 7 years should have been about radically undoing republican damage to education over the past 30 years. Instead, we have the Every Child Left Behind act (NCLB) to show for it.
    [ties noose to rafters]
    Now, the teachers are so busy preparing paperwork, that the assistants are becoming the teachers. They quit before long because they only get paid $9.50 per hour with no benefits.
    [grabs chair]
    The students are always preparing for the next NCLB test, so there is no time to go back and teach them their times tables as they desperately scramble to learn fractions. A whole day is spent covering all of the walls in black paper to hide things that will help students cheat.
    [stands on chair]
    The teacher is so scared of losing his or her job that they treat the TAs like slaves or help the students cheat.
    [puts noose around neck]
    The students always feel stupid because we can't go back and teach them multiplication, which would make everything easy.
    [damn, forgot to write a note, oh wait, this is my note.]
    The assistants can't get medication because they have no health care. School ends for the summer. All assistants have a a gap in employment. This means less money for self-medication (the Don's Friday drink recipes).
    [hangs self]

  5. Poor Angel, you simply forgot. How can we afford to educate our children when we need to send pallet loads of money to Iraq, so they can be free! After all what's more important? An education system in this country that works, or a free and democratic Iraq. Then when they elect a theocratic govt. we can support it the way we have the Palestinians, when they elected Hamas.

  6. Don't forget that the more un(der)educated children we have now, the more cannon fodder we'll have in the future - we need more troops for Iran and Syria, after all.

    Voting for democrats is like hoping you get the better-tasting flavor of poisoned kool-aid. The only portrayal of this issue that's nearly as apt as this cartoon is an old Simpsons Treehouse of Horror episode, where the space aliens took over the bodies of Bill Clinton & Bob Dole. At one point, alien Dole says, "It doesn't matter which one of us you vote for - either way, your planet is doomed...doomed!!"

  7. Here is a letter I sent in response to a letter I got back from Feinstein after telling her I want Cheney impeached. I don't know why I bother.

    Senator Feinstein,
    Who would be divided over impeachemt proceedings?
    All of your constituents want impeachement.
    54% of the country wants impeachement.
    But this is not really about popularity, it is about your responsibility as spelled out in the constitution. If you feel impeachable acts have been committed, and you just let it go, then you are a party to those acts.

