Friday, August 31, 2007

Cartoon for September 1

Declassified documents--they're just not what they used to be.

Click on the cartoon to see it larger.


  1. Love the sarcasm and absurdity, Ted. It's a sharp instrument any way you look at it--which is why you should REALLY stir up some hornets by talking about verboten subjects. I don't know which ones, but all it takes is one entry on Digg to bring the message to literal millions.

  2. And now we have the GOA report having been leaked and saying that the Iraqi Government is performing poorly, only reaching 5 out of 18 benchmarks and those 5 are trivial according to Juan Cole. Of course Bush is furious, he didn't get a chance to scrub that report, not like he's scrubbing the Petraeus report, scrubbing...shit he's writing the fucking thing. And when I say he's writing the fucking thing, I mean Dick Cheney's writing it. Now that's one report that won't be leaked, there'd be no point, everyone knows what the report will say already.
    That's what gets me about this whole sorry cluster-fuck of Bush's presiduncy, the mindnumbing and inevitable predictability of it.

  3. Leaked documents I would like to see:

    "CIA meets with Osama in a Dubai hospital prior to the 9/11 attacks."

    "Rumsfeld met with Saddam while in US custody, trying to cut a deal for Hussein to call off insurgent attacks."

    What would you like to see leaked?

  4. Leaked document I'd like to see: George Bush Jr and gang threatens Log Cabin Republicans with something awful if they don't go hide in the closet.

  5. Dang it Ted Rall, hush your mouth son , else your gonna blow the lid on things and the whole world will know that our poorly planned and executed invasion of a sovereign state is going poorly. We already got a good majority of people distrusting the media, academia and other reputable sources(such as the British medical journal). Now we don't need ya'll sticking your nose where it don't belong - hush now and when we do take over the world in accordance with our prophet Bill Kristol(Praise Be Upon Him), we'll let ya have a piece of New Guinea, hows that sound?


  6. andy, thank you. Either their are cops waiting in every bathroom, or this is a calculated attack on one of many pre-catalogued, convenient decoys. Why would the BUshies sacrifice their own? Because they know that NO ONE will stand up for a gay repug hypocrite.

    If there are cops in every bathroom, and cops trolling the net for pervs, and cops monitoring people like Ted Rall, then shouldn't fiscal conservatives be up in arms over the waste of resources? I blogged this recently here:
    (moderator, feel free to delete this if blog whoring is illegal)

    oh, and am I the first to notice Ted's new comic is not here?
