Sunday, December 9, 2007

Cartoon for December 10

Cartooning is the most amazing job in the world. Mostly this is because you can work in your underwear. Every now and then, however, you make yourself giggle.

Click on the cartoon to make it bigger.


  1. More irrational Bush-hatred from the far left, while liberals wonder why their beliefs are so far out of the mainstream.

  2. anonymous my cowardly friend.....go shoot yourself

  3. Anon #1: Why don't you go searching for those WMDs in Iraq, you comatose monkey. This cartoon tells you exactly what the rest of world thinks about Dubya.

  4. Why wait for Bush to die? Congress can adopt a new amendment to the Constitution that will make it legal to erase the name, Bush, and the noun, bush, from American history, then freeze-dry the entire Bush family for the laser disposition described in the comic strip. By the way, Bush apologists and Bush lovers, the ship is sinking as we speak. Abandon ship, Bush rats. Of course, this is offered all in fun. The world needs George W. Bush alive so he can rightfully spend the rest of his life in prison at hard labor, where he BELONGS! Lighten up, Neo-cons. Go shopping. Don't worry. Trust your leader.

  5. yousuf_sajjad and tim73 perfectly demonstrate the hatred that's inherent in the liberal mind.

  6. I think you went too easy. You should have included in your exorcism some Saivite and Vaisnava Brahmins, a head Shinto priest of Japan, a spiritual head of Sikhism, one of the most respected Shamans of Mongolia, someone from Theravada Buddhism, and a priest of the Zoroastrians.

    We have to oppose the imposition of Druj on our society and restore truth.

  7. eleanor, you're on the right track, but instead the word "bush" should be substituted whenever the word "shit" is now used.

  8. Proxima Centauri is closer and far less likely to have earthlike planets surrounding it.
    Alpha Centauri might actually have life bearing planets around it already. More importantly, we may send a mission there someday. apparently it would only take about 40 years to get to either star.


    (lol planet of the chimps!)

  9. eleanor, but seriously, we may face the dillema of a Socratic Bush requesting the death penalty for himself after he leaves office because as he says: "the death penalty saves lives".

    can't say I'm looking forward to that.

  10. The extreme war-mongering Right will rever Bush Jr. for decades to come.

    Social conservatives and Evangelicals, however, will probably find themselves another hero, since Bush hasn't done enough to erase the "evil" legacy of the 60's, in their view.

  11. Now wait just one minute. I like bush. There was a picture of Jenas bush snapped while changing on the beach. I have seen other bushes that were very nice also. To simply remove the term is...well it's just wrong.

  12. Ted,

    I'm not sure if this is comprehensive enough. His followers might worship the sun if you blast his remains into it.

    Better to draw and quarter him and send each piece into its own black hole in a separate galaxy.

  13. I'll take matts comment as another vote for Proxima Centauri.

  14. nevermind, the black holes are a no brainer.
