Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Cartoon for December 6

Oprah's nefarious influence on the book business--directing millions of new sales to mass-market tripe that needs no help whatsoever while deserving indie-press types get no help--is irritating enough. Now we have to listen to her unoriginal political opinions, too?

Click on the cartoon to make it bigger.


  1. I remember Oprah for her effectiveness as a sleep aid. Many would be the day when I was a teenager that I would come home from school to find my mother praying to the almighty 'O' wherein I would plop my awkward, pimply carcass upon the sofa and immediately pass out. I pray to this day that I haven't subconsciously absorbed any of her pap, because if I have, the emerging pod-person stage can't be far behind.

  2. Oprah is only one pre-packaged product. If she doesn't pique your ratings you can always watch "Real Housewives of Orange County".

  3. With her support for "Dr." Phil and "Rachel" Ray, I'm thinking Prah is plotting to further dumb down American woman, thus increasing her own power over them.

  4. I'm no fan of Oprah's cloying, excessive ego, but you left out the obvious: Obama is black, and from Chicago (like Oprah).

    Conundrum solved.

  5. At least maybe she can galvanize these couch-sitting do-nothings to vote.
