Monday, December 31, 2007

Cartoon for December 31

Happy New Year, everyone! Here's my last cartoon of the year.

Click on the cartoon to make it bigger.


  1. Happy New Year Ted!!

    I stand by my Fake Joe Sixpack prediction, if I'm getting that one right!

  2. Dec 31
    I can't believe the PURE BULLSHIT in the American media. Thw world is celebrating WHAT? A cabal of monsters in America's White House have set fire to the world, and the New York Times is making Mitt Romney look like Mister Rogers. Rod Serling couldn't have written a more warped Twilight Zone in his best day. Suddenly, this week, Rudy Giuliani disappeared from the media spotlight. Who's calling the shots? Who is the puppet master? The world used to be bullshit. Now it is pure bullshit. A dozen people were just blown up in Iraq, but the NYT shows a man on the street with a lit sparkler. This is supposed to mean it is now safe to celebrate new year in Baghdad? Come on. Is America THAT stupid? Are we to tolerate these pep talks from Cheney's cave? Where IS Dick Cheney? These masters of war crimes public relations are jerking America around like a roller coaster ride. I don't believe anyone. Imagine! They're saying Mitt Romney is a nice guy! Mitt Romney! Holy Shit! It's all but over. Critics, kiss my rear! You are the ones with heads up ass.

  3. "is America that stupid?"

    Yes....yes, but don't blame the average joker for being manipulated, most people are way too busy just trying to manage the insanity of their everyday lives do think about it, let alone act on it.

    You are what you eat, and the American public has been fed an overwhelming level of bullshit for a very long time.

    The very way we choose our leaders ensures that people will live in completely different worlds. Why can't we have the democrats and republicans get on the same stage so they can be seen side by side? People either watch one debate or the other, follow one nomination or the other. . .Rather than being able for someone like McCain to say "yes, my position on immigration is not as hard line as that other guy's, and that's for a reason"...rather, he's forced to try and explain why he's just as much of a hard-ass.

    Forget the candidate positions on issues, the issues themselves are framed in a ludicrous whom? Edwards and Kucinich are probably the only two candidates who are even close to touching the bigger issue:

    Even people in business, in the military, and in supposedly privileged positions are squeezed...don't ask why they're squeezed, asked who ISN'T squeezed and why:

    -Insurance industry
    -Military Contractors
    -The Oil Industry
    -The chemical industry

    We fight with other equally powerless people over scraps of scraps. Half the population chooses 'pretends to care' over 'doesn't care' believing it's at least a pause in the march toward more screwed, while the other half votes for 'doesn't care' in this sickly twisted logic that 'doesn't care' is at least honest.

    By that logic, Hitler was a better candidate for the current American public than Roosevelt. If that seems absurd to you, consider the things the GOP candidates say about torture and immigration.

    Hard Liners aren't that much different wherever you go, and consequently Hitler's power bass was out of the German equivalent of the Red Counties here; rural, less educated.
