Saturday, December 8, 2007

Cartoon for December 8

Before Bush came along, I used to draw a lot of these workplace angst cartoons. I've missed drawing them, but I don't know if anyone else misses reading them.

Click on the cartoon to make it bigger.


  1. It's true!!! Apathy is the keystone of America!! If we all cared about the way things are going and tried to change it, this house of cards would bury us all.

  2. As this applies to me, my wife, and everyone I know who works a job, I have printed it out.

  3. I miss those kinds of cartoons. I even emailed you about it once, years ago. Bummer that the spittle-chin-in-chief and his constant pants-shitting keeps you SO busy that the other stuff has to get shut out, but I can say that every time I read a Bush cartoon and see that omnipresent coke-rock in his nose, I A) feel an urge to watch Neil Young's performance in "The Last Waltz," and B) laugh my ass off. I suppose that makes up for not getting to enjoy guys getting stabbed to death in bars for using the word "niggard."

    Also, LOL at the way you draw hooters! It always makes me think you've been watching too many PBS nature shows about chimpanzees or something...

  4. I miss them Ted!
    I still have a circa 1998 cutout of a cartoon you published in the LA Times about a "neural transponder" placed in workers' heads by the boss-man. It rocks.

  5. I miss the times that gave you the luxury to have such concepts at the top of your mind. We should be so lucky as to have times like that again.

  6. Love the, miss them, hope to see many more in the future.

  7. I only care when management seems intent on finding new and absurd ways of making life miserable for the surfs. I'd say more, but I might get fired...if they cared enough to do so.

  8. After the bathroom violence comic("A response to an actual phenomenon") and yousuf's jock-baiting remark, I wrote a comment about missing the "everyday life" comics. The comment got 404ed, but I still look forward to the day when the US becomes near utopia, and these are the only cartoons you have to do.

    btw, wacky columns like the one about "Doomed flight 411" are missed.

    Perhaps after KFI's post-election purge, America can have BS Detector and Stanwatch back.
