Thursday, December 13, 2007

Cartoon for December 13

Evangelical Christians, and many other people, worry about Mitt Romney because Mormons believe in strange things. But all religions are weird.

Click on the cartoon to make it bigger.


  1. I like Christopher Hitchens' take on Mormonism.

    Great toon!

  2. When enlarged, the toons have a pixelly look. It's cleaner on the gocomics site.

  3. I love/hate Christopher Hitchens. Am I wrong in assuming that there would have been no good rock music or art if not for Christianity? I'm only basing my view on what I feel is a reaction to organised religion. "Take the golden rule, as the best example...", my hero once wrote, "Eyes that have seen, will know what I mean...". Some of us that were born into Christian homes have taken the good examples in the faith and disposed of the rest. I haven't gone to church, outside of a funeral or wedding, since I was 12. While I portayed Jesus in "Jesus Christ Superstar" in the early 90's, I read the "Holy Bloood/Holy Grail" book and all it's offspring. When all was said and done I realised it's the individual who decides what is wrong or right, not some congregation of sheep, bleating and babbling on a Sunday morning in a football stadium. Praising yourself in public?? Hmmmm... Matthew 6:6 is the biblical equivalent of "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!"

  4. ugh. This cartoon shows mainstream (non-Christian) America doesn't get Protestants at all. Most of us don't listen to Fallwell or Robertson, and the tenets of the faith are very nuanced and wildly misunderstood (the Trinity, the Preservation of the Saints commonly aka "predestination"). Whatever. I don't look to Ted to represent us correctly, but it would be nice to have someone stereotype Christians with something other than the Fallwell brush.

  5. I got a card from the Scientologists today with a quote from L.Ron Hubbard because I do business with one of their companies. Please send them up, too (warning: you might have to move to an undisclosed location if you do).

  6. RE: ugh

    If you don't like being tarred with the fundamentalist brush, you need to be a WHOLE LOT LOUDER about denouncing the teaching of creationism in public schools, attacks on abortion providers, and all the other stuff that doesn't seem to bother you nearly as much as not getting enough respect from us secularists. As long as you let those guys be the loudest voice of Xtian America, the rest of us are perfectly justified in viewing you as troglodytes.

  7. May I just amplify what Russell said by a factor of 100. I'm sick and tired of "mainstream Christians" whining about being "misrepresented" because of (unlamented) Falwells. Let's see more of these evangelicals voting against the Dumbya Bushes before we give them a pass. Oh, wait, Dumbya got 80% of the evangelical vote - so the "stereotype" is pretty GAWD-damned accurate.

  8. Aww, poor Protestants. Are the big, bad Catholics beating up on you?

  9. call me ugh, i guess....

    well, the Catholics are obviously the most visible "Christian" group in America, followed by flawed mouthpieces w/ TV signals - like Falwell, Robertson, etc. I don't feel Protestants are being beaten up by Catholics - we mostly coexist peacefully, and do a lot of service and public functions together, since the non-Christian public sees no real difference between us.

    The rest of us DO voice our displeasure w/ the more extreme members - and certainly no (true) Christian has ever condoned attacks on anyone, including abortion clinics. Peaceful protests/demo's - sure! Physical harm? Never. Not true Christians. Again, an incorrect stereotype perpetuated by ignorance and (according to you) a lack of visible dissension on our part.

    Perhaps you don't hear us for the same reason as you don't hear Moderate politicians - no one gives them a mic, or is willing to listen to what's out there because it doesn't grab & hold attention.

  10. At least in my case, I don't hear you because godless heathens aren't even considered fully human in the current American cultural climate. We's not allowed to sit at the table.

  11. um, well, that's no excuse. my dog doesn't sit at my table, but he hears my voice when i speak.

    i understand what you're getting at (despite a poor analogy) - but don't for a second believe that Christians actually run this country, or have a majority in government. Almost all of our public officials are poseurs at best, and scamming malicious hypocrites at worst. But they always maange to sell us (Christians) out at the behest of big business or war or the lowest common denominator votes or whatever. Can't offend anyone these days, can we now? So let's water everything down until it's completely meaningless.

    My point is - true Christianity is not represented in our government, nor is it the controlling force of our country. That is why we make our presence felt when and where we can, as do you all.

    thanks for reading all that
