Saturday, December 22, 2007

Cartoon for December 22

As noted, all the dialogue in panels one, two and five are real. Giuliani said this stuff on an interview with Wolf Blitzer on "The Situation Room" with Wolf Blitzer. Of the current crop of presidential hopefuls, it's a toss-up as to whether Giuliani or Huckabee would be the bigger fascist. But Giuliani does seem to have the unhealthiest obsession with torturing. What's in HIS dungeon?

Click on the cartoon to make it bigger.


  1. Portraying politicians in BDSM gear is a lot of fun. I've done it with Dick and Lynne Cheney having "a session" and with Tony Blair as Bush's "slave."

    This could be your default Rudy caricature. I like it a lot!

    That said, I hope you don't get much use out of it. For the sake of the country. ;-)

  2. Nice! I love it when you tear politicians a new ass, especially when it's a politician so DESERVING of having a new ass torn. Rudy is definitely hoping to get that "cult of personality" dictator thing going. Personally, I don't think the guy has a good enough personality for anyone to want to join his cult, but then, I thought Bush was a pretty repulsive creature too, back in 2000 when I first saw his ugly simian mug-- and yet plenty of spittle-chins jumped on board HIS train, and some are still riding it, even after everything that's happened. So I don't know... maybe there are people out there who could love and idolize a talking skull like Rudy. I guess it's better to be on the safe side, and to keep mocking him and tearing him down and pointing out how goddamn EVIL he is, to try to kill his personality cult in the shell, before it can hatch into a fully developed, slithering fascist movement the way Bush's cult did.

    So good work, Ted! Keep on skewering that creepy bastard! American Democracy would thank you, if it still existed!

  3. Giuliani Si! Molto Nemici, Molto Honore!

    Just kidding. Google that phrase to get the joke.

  4. Sorry, that should be "Molti Nemici, Molto Onore"
