Friday, December 21, 2007

ITMFA - Teapot Museum Edition
posted by TheDon

"I'm instructing Budget Director Jim Nussle to review options for dealing with the wasteful spending in the omnibus bill."

With those words, George W Bush started the process of his impeachment. A Congress which has watched (or participated in) the loss of free speech, the loss of habeas corpus, the loss of protection against unreasonable search and seizure, signing statements, the torture of non-whites, the indefinite detention of people designated as enemies of the state, illegal wars, destruction of evidence, obstruction of justice, outing of CIA agents, leaking of classified material, lying to congress, contempt of congress, no-bid contracts, firing of US Attorneys, lying about firing US Attorneys, soviet-style handlers in every government office, destruction of White House communications, destruction of White House visitor logs... you get the idea... THAT Congress, will not tolerate a president with the temerity to mess with the Teapot Museum. I didn't know what it would take to get him impeached, but I'm pretty sure this is the big one. An anxious nation awaits.

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