Thursday, December 27, 2007

Cartoon for December 27

Sartre said we're defined by our actions. If Americans murder and torture, and do it routinely, and Americans don't care, then how can Americans claim to have "values"?

Click on the cartoon to make it bigger.


  1. Ted -
    Seems that way doesn't it?
    But we've met a BUNCH of people on urban streets these past four years in organized assembly to protest "that stuff" and its prelude.
    Barely a blip on TV, though. How come?

  2. People are just tired of this government. Protest has no effect - they just do whatever they feel like and mock us for even feeble protests. We're just exhausted. It's like we've been tortured into submission, and we're just waiting for 1/20/2009.

    Hey, I'm not excusing us, just trying to explain. Maybe. I don't know. Where did I leave my TiVo remote?

  3. The market has spoken, Ted...the almighty market has spoken!

  4. Hey Ted,
    How come your blog archives are broken? The Archive goes back to the end of 06, no further, and one can't use the "posted on (time)" links correctly, they 404 at "".

    I wanted to scroll back to re-read a blog from about Dec 15th, and it's unavailable.

    Got any idea how to fix that?

  5. I'll look into the archives problem. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

  6. lol, I thought it was intentional
