Thursday, December 20, 2007


Let's Fight a Doomed War in Afghanistan, Not Iraq!

NEW YORK--There is too a difference between the two major parties. Republicans want us to spend, die and lose in Iraq. Democrats want us to spend, die and lose in Afghanistan.

There's a difference between the two major wars, too. Afghanistan is even less justifiable than Iraq. It's also less winnable.

The lily-livered libbies' "Bush took his eye off the ball in Afghanistan when he invaded Iraq" meme is back.

"Six years after we took our eye off the ball in Afghanistan--the origin of the 9/11 attacks--we still don't have our priorities straight," Barack Obama said in Des Moines this week. That followed an October speech in New Hampshire in which he described George W. Bush's response to 9/11 as "perfectly reasonable."

"I supported the invasion of Afghanistan because the Taliban had been supportive and the base camp for Al Qaeda," Obama said. "So I had no problem with that."

In fact, Afghanistan had nothing to do with 9/11. The Taliban were not involved. The "base camp" for Al Qaeda was, and is, in Pakistan. (Different country! Look it up.)
Democrats, reports Tom Curry of MSNBC, have embraced an election-year "out of Iraq, shift to Afghanistan" strategy. It's a drone of rhetorical distraction worthy of Karl Rove, and one not one mainstream media outlet has bothered to question. Obama and his fellow Democrats (John Edwards is a laudable exception to the lunacy) say they were for Bush's first war--the one he lost because he didn't spend enough money or enough lives--before they were against the second one.

Obama's hoary sports metaphor, regurgitated since 2005 by Howard Dean, John Kerry, Joe Biden, Harry Reid and virtually every other luminary of the lame left, followed a December 17th vote by Congressional Democrats (201 to 30) to send $30 billion for war against Afghanistan, but nothing for Iraq. No wimps here!

"Afghanistan is the primary front of the fight against Islamic extremism, but for too long we have taken our eye off the ball," parroted Rep. Ike Skelton, Democratic chairman of the House Armed Services Committee.

In fact, Osama bin Laden was in Pakistan the whole time U.S. forces were "looking" for him in Afghanistan. So was Al Qaeda, and most of its training camps. The money for 9/11 came from Saudi Arabia. The hijackers came from Saudi Arabia and Egypt.

Hey, never let the truth get in the way of a good sound byte.

I'm not convinced the military can fight terrorists. Blowing up schools and weddings is a lousy way to fight Islamic extremism. The history of counterinsurgency shows that it's easier to kill your enemies with an open mind than with bombs. But if you're determined to go the military route, you'd be better off taking on Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Egypt--in that order.

The New York Times, comrades in clueless centrism with the (oxymoron alert-->) Democratic leadership, reported that the normally implacable Bush Administration is gripped by "a growing apprehension that one of the administration's most important legacies--the routing of Taliban and Qaeda forces in Afghanistan after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001--may slip away."

Then the paper editorialized: "Unless the United States and Europe come up with a better strategy--and invest more money, attention and troops--the 'good war' will go irretrievably bad."

Ugh. "Good war," indeed. Doesn't anyone care that Afghanistan and Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are entirely separate countries?

Committees are being empanelled to analyze why Afghanistan is a mess of warlords, opium farmers and suicide bombers. Could it be the decision to send one-tenth as many troops as Iraq to a nation the same size, but with more daunting terrain and a fierce population of warriors renowned for slaughtering invaders? Was it a PR mistake to replace the Taliban, who stoned rapists and murderers to death, with the Northern Alliance government, whose officials are rapists and murderers? Did the lack of reconstruction increase resentment? How about the grinding poverty, which the U.S. invasion made worse?


But here's what we keep hearing instead: "I have a real concern that given our preoccupation in Iraq, we've not devoted sufficient troops and funding to Afghanistan to ensure success in that mission," said Skelton, the Congressional Democrat.

The cold, hard truth is that Afghanistan can't be won. Not with more money, and not with the 6,000 more troops Obama wants to send there. Not with 60,000, or 600,000.

With the recent exception of 9/11, America's wars have been fought overseas. We have a deadline: we can't stay over there forever. The Afghans, on the other hand, live there. They have time--all the time in the world. They know that all they have to do is wait us out, and hassle our forces in the meantime. They're damned good at it--ask the Brits and Russians.

Not everyone is falling for the Democrats' "forget their war, let's fight our war" spiel, though. A letter to the editor of the Times began: "I hope that when the Bush administration and NATO conclude their analyses of the Afghanistan mission they will reach one inescapable, common-sense conclusion: that Western-style democracy cannot be militarily imposed on a culture that is based on tribal loyalties. Maybe at that point, our nation and the world will be able to finally use our economic and human resources in a more efficient manner."

The letter writer's name was Bill Gottdenker. Too bad he's not running for president.

(C) 2007 Ted Rall, All Rights Reserved.


  1. Excellent points, and I was right there with you until the letter to the NYT. While Mr Gottdenker's analysis sounds right, it is completely beside the point. The Bush administration is no more interested in establishing a democracy in Afghanistan than they are in having one here. Both here and there it's all about maximizing profits for their buddies. Anything that gets in the way of that gets destroyed and -bonus- a profit is made during the process of destruction as well.

  2. You can't kill an idea with bullets. You can change minds with a better idea. Al Qaeda does'nt need to fight with guns to win this. Neither do we. Bullets helped sate our anger after 9/11. It's not doing our country any good now. We need to realize our strength lies in our ability to help people not hurt them.

  3. Why talk French, man? What percent of people in the US believe in what you say about the Afghan War - .006%?

    I lost faith in Americans' intelligence. May be we don't deserve a well read president. After we all(99.994%) are so much dumbed down by our own acts, the two party system and primaries cannot get a right guy/girl for that post. Democracy sucks here.

    BTW, don't you remember when Obama said that he may attack Pakistan how much hue and cry made by everybody including "State" department?

  4. I'm rethinking what "Western-style democracy" means. TheDon: I think the Bush administration is very interested in establishing its brand of Western-style democracy throughout the world, as the US has done just about everywhere in the Western Hemisphere (and now including right here at home) over the past century, with notable reverses in Cuba and now in Venezuela and Bolivia.
    Western-style democracy really means US interests can sway or even rig the election process, thereby ensuring Western-corporate-friendly regimes.

  5. Hi, Your column is not updated in the uexpress website yet. (Friday, 4:12 PM EST)

  6. good points but why would we want to pick a fight with a friendly nation that has nukes

  7. Anonymous IV: Friendly? You mean friendly like Iago?

  8. ----"With the recent exception of 9/11, America's wars have been fought overseas."----

    I take issue with this, Ted. 9/11 was an act of terrorism, not war. Wars are between nations, not nations and shadowy fringe groups. Why further enable the retarded "War on Terror" spiel? This stupid country claims to fight "wars" against such things as "drugs" and even, without blushing, "poverty."

    9/11 was an act of terrorism. The invasion of Iraq was, actually, an act of war.

    Not to say that the USA doesn't also engage in terrorism...


  9. Anonymous V: Yeah - I would distinguish 9/11 - and the US response - as a "crime," an act of deadly vandalism not rising to the level of "war," which unfortunately is Constitutionally recognized as something other than "crime." But whether we call it "war," terrorism," "vandalism," or just simply "crime," the perps (on either side) should be treated as the heinous criminals they are.

  10. "war" is a pretty dead word, guys. Are we talking about declared war? or "war" as in "the war on drugs", or "war" on terror. Orwell wrote a really funny summary on the over-use of military terminology in everyday discourse.

    Anyway, nice article, Ted. I wish I could put up links to specific rallblog entries elsewhere. If you are still re-doing the website, I hope you make the entries individually linkable.
